O Daily Telegraph de Londres, Grande Londres, Inglaterra (2024)

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SMALL FARMHOU8E three rcome pleasantly situated nee from Hasbro sod Waleot aeacA J)Jr Apply LAND HOUSES SHOPS OFFICES Ac ba LIT to iWW msta lady only i Mar Boyal Oak ad eomforUMa HOTEL aad PBrSlOF 2 UNTRY HOUSE FURNISHED Hlf-boor frotn Lnndo Bridge 14 am garden tmiMerv temii 1 ground very henlttiv hne enenery 6 guinene during AuguM worth treble 8 Brig htland Wellington Surrey COUNTRY COTTAGE at Chertaey Surrey Mom Jo Matlew A tiny little place containing four bed rooms hath two sit-ting rooms conservatory aad offices with stabtlng for two norsae Bing CHOF PROPERTY Good Investment agree meuU at £80 nnd £100 Good In-town improve greatly lull particulars of Messrs Flood nnd Sons tHVttTUnif in Mock iTTSYfflOli Let on lasses an msituatloo aout to FARM Measr KOOE 4 latest issue coni lining a large seMctkmoC FARMMtebs LET aod SOLD forwarded for uoe 84 Maw Broad -street mboul 20 acreewlth good seal water supply limit Full particulars to Myhton £winty ChelWnnam Gloa oaraa graea a pmoiilM am JSS rtSs92? Taiagrnia Amlealam TFaTS WATER Load BOARD aad RESfDrgCE -X) reoummandad Ham eomfooa -flnwnam farm No ajtroo -PT'prtmraaa aBgia-rjewat and 22 Dp Sslors and OChES llceneed houeL In rraAMv letting East-end main thoroughfare Producing gross just on cmw a year Pnoe £8500-Apply to Mr Percy Abrams Auctioneer 32 Chcapside EC (854) INVESTiiENT-8eren FREEHOLD SHOPS mum I all modem SALE singly a'tot'Mnglng'tfft per annum tenants on repairing responsible long resutiTlSIUiW wwin lull HOUSE 195 Victoria Park road Eight good rooms garden and forecourt two eatrencee Queen street- garden and forecourt twoeotrence Omnibus passes door to City fare 2d I tor la A Morton Pmltk 4 Rent £48 1'sddock opprtlte requIred-NIghtlagile PkUMp end Pag Estate AgeuU Kings- teu en Tkanu TeMpbone IJ27 IsmUy RESIDENCE" unique fee poelUe directly adjoining and ureeiookinf a wide expanse i the bee all fully -wooded Epplog Forest sod yet wttblo six nlloe ot the City oad cloee to rail Nina bed rooms tbre recoptlow room 'I out office Good garden aod greeobous Beit modorato Were -MrWm Roogbion 56 Old Broad streot I BALING (uew Common Protty modern RE81DENCK Three reception lx bed dremmr and hath room I shady garden Bent £56 long selectloo of other -J Uiuck- ltell Estate Agent 20 Broadway Ealing 1AkT COAtfr1 near NorLjk Brondt and Greet Vormouih fv (Oolft-To be LET FPENIHHRD tor twojnotithe or Apply io place EC OLE roaveaieat ly placed a few minute (rom Ylrle Perk Station end overlooking tbe park VRrCadocan-two entrances Rent only £30 iwr annum 5 A terrace Victoria Park Key Mr Brown Ko Apply to a Morton Smith 4 Queen -street -place KC j- SHOP lne plate 1a (rout pood derelllnc Bouro vate entrance Suit anv trade eirept yn'cer Sealer Situate 2 Crorolev-urrece Lirerpuol Kent £45 per annum Key I'eaeork Orocev No- 4 ITUV terrare Ap(kv to A Morton 4 Vueen etroet piece (VLATHAMJUNn-IGN (55 SHOP and PRFMISES centre market th'rouhfare ably adapted for combined busioese? of tobacconist and Rent Caretaker on pr or applyjo A Morton Smith 4 Queen street -place EC SHOP 116 Plough-road St Joha hill Clapbam Containing six rooms and bath room Soluble for fna and glass bootmaker repairing watch maker's Ac Rent £40 Apply on tbe Premises or to A Morton Smith 4 Queen street-place EC special! to XfOtard od balks free Royal Oak Buries Brill aad SITTING BOOM tor aaa or twn ill that aad coldi Home eamfona Term oa J- square Ruanrusltb 'h BEXI1ILL CIN SEA Mom eomfortabla ifim wttb private famBy Cioaa aaa Fraad au derat terma-Suwwx LyaFi Library Devvotonewet Black Bright nurse hysteria paralvala alight awntal tr atUictavl Nurse Ftthina 17 Vanhniah-hui Hlvck LACK BOaRIUREMDKNUE near hE aUUon A oowdwtAUW home atom conero25 situated Faring heath Large garden tennis and cwu Billiard and smoking nwwna Tvrwta modaaato -KanaavevT bOAHU-HKMilENCE fara" (anthwnan angagad" UkwnfortaMc home Bain Cioaa Vo and train vcroeas-torrace Havswatcr BOARD RESIDENCE central pomtlm gnu Rina lent cul'IM Term a moderato -Propr strata Waa House 5S Gulifnrd street Rusaall-aqiurr BOARD RESIDENCE Offered by widow lady to ultoVai laman Cnontortabla home Toe at musical weuty rail 'bus aod sihlbiUoa Tarui madaraia- Apply at a pimf road Warn Keaslngtoo Board residfncr WC Hlably racommaol ductioa two in room Nice gardes: adfriaa Drittsk We OAKD RESIDENCE Lsaaiogum-r xsd vijdo Ban Few asatlamoo room rod Every aamfuct Tarmi rata aedj net waive B'tlAKfyRESIDENCE Exallant culatoa Near British Museum Frwa 25a weekly Wilma Bedford Hour 36 Bedferd-place WC EOABD RESIDENCE superior Central for theatres and principal public bull (flat- rhiv mended I ale d'nnor Exco'eol culaioo wtth 2 Upper Bedford place Rusaell-tqaare WC LPO 3RD RESIDENCE SpocVue had mu wtOl board Gned cutame ISoderite term Oaao o-parka Ac ran 3 Ediaburgk-torrao Vruv longer GORLE8TON PRIORY If from Yarmouth Four tlon and 1C bed rooms large lawn conservatoriea Be Addree Owner GoriePn Priory Great Yarmouth A8T HOUffK or PART 1 to be LKT from Reptember till Marek Threv rreeptioo rsotn six href rooms araen Five mlotites free1 dresa Mr Wblta 47 LordshipJaoe Ea Polwlfb 11ART TWICkENHAM foor minutM from bwpro St at loo Beautiful If -iituatad HOUSE to be LET for from new weir melntilnlaff river level Easf lerms to pcrai neat tenant Particulare from 3 Lambetn-blll EC Kef ot Nurtbend comer of Crowb-rood eke oft am -For lortuirht from July 31 well FUHNIRHEp HOUSE facing era Four eiulng eight bed rooms batAJh and ei Near tennia club ground Good bathing and boating Stabling hr arrangement Apply Bijne BaaeJtoaeiMB ARR'lNGlXiN-STREET-hpaciou BUSINESS PREMISES Ml to be LET or SOLD upward of 29 feet depin over 40 feet and elds entrance Large shop and two room on ground floor with nine rooms good fitted wareroom oatn above Exceptionally dry basem*nt etrong room Ac-AWdy tQ Ball Norria and Hadley Ar" place Regent-street UKemOllb Store rr Auctioneer and hurvayor 5 ArgyU- appliance Owner would roll at uch a vretor over 8 per ceiL-Apply Grand parnd Bnlhnm bill Jga OUND long LEASEHOLD IN hMt cuw 6HOPB In Brix ton main road opposite cable trra JJJ minus Both let on lease to rtponslbls twants at £iw men Price Apply to Andrsw and Nansoa 1 Brjxtoo roadHH SOUTH CROYDON -Bound Investment in sli weirbidlt modern HOUSES with pleasing and hack garden Let on leae sod weekly truancies jt amounting to £180 a year Near the station aad route Price £1760 Lease 64 years Ground rent £11 11 td for the whole or would be sold In ot ground rent Apply to Hooker and Webb Croydon SOUTH KENSINGTON (close to court 8tatknv-A eon-eniently placed LEASEHOLD family BESIDEMCE FTor large light and airy reception room eight large bed and dressing roomy bath room kc To be SOLD by private contract or LET on repairing For further particular aud to view apply to Messrs Dsniel Smith Son and Oaklsy Land Agents 10 Waterloo-piace Pall mall SOUTHAMPION-STHEET Excellent corner SOLD or Iet on Lease orkwklnf Strand Well lighted and with bold frontage of about 7Cft Suitable for bink Insurance office publishers or others rwulrtnepromtoWS John Woodard Architect 13 Bedford-street Stmnd TORE NEWl NGTON By order of tbs Exscutors of the jats Carolina Tomklns-No 29 Londesboroujh road Albion-road Stoke Newington -Eight-roomed HOLSE Let at 0 per annum Unexpired term over 70 years Solicitors Messrs Moodls Mills and Moodie Dunedin House Baslngball-arenue it bout basem*nt near Finsbury rooms ttt-l bath room itaaeing hot and cold supply) In thorough rPt session Lease 72 years at £3 Ids ground rent Messrs Stimson and Son Auctioneers 8 Moorgate-st et I SUPERIOR HOUSES for occupation or investment for SALE or built to order Payment on completion of purchase or building or by instalments ceasing at death Charming building sites -Write Surveyor 162 Piccadilly Ten-roomed house for sale (Freehold) about one acre of well-stocked garden and orchard on mnroM111 the healthiest part of Essex near church and pm t-office about three miles from station Price Apply to liptree-heath Kelvedon Essex -jngafiMgss optioneL Lease and fixture Full particular of Richard Crott la Wood-itrect BC POUCTBY FARMTor AALK oerief toleatli oTpartner WeB developed end laid out all rntee rune eyeraff mjf PJOft-40ft eonsieunf of nearly six acres Good gden well etoceea Tennis lawn i2-roomed house stable coochhooie Adjolnlnf railway station in Midlands direct cominunk-attou with London other Uuwe market towns Rent £40 on lease taxes £4-Further particulars addrnes Box 5306 Foetal Department Dally Telegraph Fleet Streep EC PRIVATE HOTEL South Kensington (beet part) SO to 70 bed room Corner rite overlooking garden For particulars apply at Oitice 6 an itnore gardens SW LJADDLEBT BUSINESS for DISPOSAL 150 years io i family No opposition Capable of greet anl couiirodifU premise Reaon for glfing up wiring from Apply to A Fordhain Asbwell near Beldock H1KT and COLLAR DRKbSKK'N and FAMILY LAUNDRY doing a20 to £25 weekly large profits Convenient prnuee stabling kc Rent low Price £4d0 including horee 1 ourt band machinery plant and uteneile Proprietor Jr Mnrley 27 Kdgware-road Marble Arch £SbUTH COAST -Excellent HOTEL on tbe outskirte of a large seaside town 12 rooms three bar stabling hrif ff of pleasure ground Admirably lulled for visitor Good opening for servant Price £800 portion could probably remain Long lme Low rent -New man Chennalle Hotel Agent Haating Printed llt with map gratia STATION KKY Tobacco be a bargain Shop and dwelling house well aituated near Crystal Palace Poet-ortice attached Price only £65 -Agent imb and Taylor 19 Kenmgton-eourt-place TAILORS and othr-fo bt" SOLD a gclng BUSINESS Of Mr IVIMEY Tailor lllfh-treef Southampton Stock at cost about £140 Good book debt about £400 Also fixture Established 40 year? Extensive and remuneratlye For further particulars applv to Meri Poppeton and Appleby Chartered Accountants 164 A ider-gate street London EC and 26 Corporation- street Birmingham ffip be SOLD oh ftablleteei COFFEE I avEHN end co*kl-1 MERCIA HOUSE in Ule of I hanvt Reason now on MuH be sold No goodwill only valuaUon-Apply Scarlett aud Co Ramsgate 170 be SOLD tneHAR KING TOlTPHIV ATE HOTEL 4and 5 Hitrrington-nianstons South Kfnriugton Fully licyneed well furnished rood connection higb-ciass irade 40 rooms every convenience Proprietor retiring For card to view apply to Messrs Wm Copping and lliggs 50 Green-street Grosvenor- quare or to the Proprietor on the premises 0 FRUITERERS and GREENGROCERS-HOUSE and PREMISES main business thoroughfare to be LET at small premium as a going concern Lare r-m trade can be done Rare opportunity for a business inan at 186 Southgate- road Islington between three and hve to PUBLICANS Hrewors and Speculators FREEHOLD BECK HOUSE opposite large warehouses and cloee to but stables Crowded neighbourhood Possession September 1695 Price Apply toC 54 Park-lane Stoke Newington IlO UPHOLSTERERS and other-To be SOLD at Watford Herts the TENANCY Agreement Fixtures aod Stock of an upholsterer situated in a main thoroughfare and amidst the best residential properties Immediate possession Ill health bhly reason for Apply to Herbert Broad Auctioneer MM nUMACCo Cirar and Music -G od will anti 4Cae lor ALE by rder of Extcutors Nice larg double shop and house situate High-road Net rent very nominal A bargain Lease 26 years-Apply Tyser and Chamberlain 360 Chiasrick PROPERTY lor BALE nd WANTED (Continued) T7-REEHOLD 4rtv-bM RESIDE NCT near Elhw JTJlaa naidock and garden about thr-e acres iceea bad room bats drawin (53ft by IUi dir log mom (31ft to MR libra re roomlol wm and odlcos IDttri throughout with alas-h nd all is xcailcot rtp'ir Naar Thansar tod Kamptoo raoaoouraa Moderate prlca to ffot Immadlota SALE with po asaloo Particular of Mr Wm Houghton Land Agant 51 Old BBnkTOtiN nr i A charming TMEHOLDPLE A iy eau with bung iow residence and about 80 acres of on-dulatl'r laid prlndpallT mi Tba bungalow la delightfully -Ituata and Is aurreunded by pleasure ground orchard with stabling and lodge aim farmery Property Is rttuate about Si mile from Hatucii Station and cloa to the teem of Hurstpterpolot and will be SOLD by order of tbo tntstaae with raiant possession -Pnrtlcular of Mr Wm Houghton 08 Old Broad-street EU RESIDENTIAL or BU1LD-Cj INO ESTATE consisting of Bos old family aboda eitb lodge at anttance and carriage drlea approach atabliog charmingly sroodad ground meadow and lawns It posstaaae aiten-aim road frontages Is situate within three minutes waa of a raiway station and trill be BOLD by direction of trusteee with e6h'ion on completion of tb Pnrtlriunr of Mr win ougbtor Land Agent 58 Old Broad street EC YL'REEHdLD double-fronted RESIDENCE close "to Epplo Jr Forest and five and seven minutes' walk respectively from Leytonatone Stations on the GER and Midland Railway Five bed rooms bath room cbot and cold uppllw laeatery drwaing room two store cupboards entrance ball dining room double drawing room conservatory morning room and aicalient omces Canleo at side and rear For SALE with poe session price tub Mr Wn Houghton 58 Old Broad atreot EC HO tJ LO wTDoub 1 -lroot daUchad FBEEHOLjRCTI-PENCE See minutes from railway station Four bed rooms large landing dining drawing and morning roomaon-eervatory outer and Inner bal'e large kitchen end good omces Pleasure and kitchen gardens Fronts 100ft Road made up and taken oeer by local authorities Trice £75 or would be let rent t0 per nnnum-Mr Wm Houghton 58 Old Broad-atreet EC rPTON £350 will purchase four attractive VILLAS mam road Producing £15 Lease 8 years at £20 £100 remaining at 5 per cent Must be Apply to Osmond and Co Auctioneer Upton Park Mile-end -rive freehold houses rood pmiiim Whltehorae-lana producing £102 Its Pri quick Apply to Osmond and Co Auctioneers Upton Psrk -i- ARC Absolute SALE for SHOP producing £25 8s Lese essrs st £215 8d -Apply to Osmond and Co Auctioneers Upton Pith At Three HpUiES and SHOP Mrflalatow £250 to I tloneera Upton Park A PhPTTy3at ached HOUSE with atabllng conservatoriea A dlng In about 51 cros of pound well stocked with fruit trees Ac and Is sltusted between price £1700 Or Bungalow close by In one acre of ground £600 Would aiobange for Freehold Building Land In referred -Eichaage 18 Drayton Prk Highbury -i MPTHTtT NpyVREnrwPor SALE Dijou detached RE-A 8IDENCE standing In 1U own grounds large garden 1J rooms fitted bath room close to 'bus rail and Wads and wins Agents 88 Hiffh-strent Camden Town YFACK tTEViE-Toc SA ft If OL15 fN orf olio ie little fruit farm homestead Modern cottage Beautiful ton stalham VUBKiSHED BSIVZaC 10 minutee and two rallg for month or longar ModaraU terme -O Wlndanr terrace Prittlewell Eaaax Bt GFORG-E ROAft- l9 will ba accepted lot aa oxtromaly wall PURNI8HED 8E-8IDENCK to ba LET far at 12 moaths Double drawing room eonasrvatory double dialog room Dwawlar room Ae- Maaars Match aad Co 7 Balgravaroad Sooth Botgravla I CTAKUNU aad tVOKKSHGPh at Knhuni te salt any require asset to oa LKT aa dULtl-a Barnett 64 Migb-rvmd Kit- hora to' 11 EH UMacbrd MltuTlalllU lldt SK and VJ GHllt N11S Large roorna New furnlluro Poor liea all II ad Master County school Tiverton OUBREV Epsom -To be LET" IINFURNI8IIEP aa lease ptoaaiatly situated dotachad family RESIDENCE cioaa to tba Down aad commanding floe views emu In lag first Boor foot largo bad room dioaamg room botfi room and we top floor two largo bod rooms ana box rtxoo ground Boor tfere re-roomi kitcnan scull ory afid wallarraudod duuioatir atabliog tor two hom*os harnass room euechbouro aad loft oeer Well laid out kitchen and flower gafdaaa won storked with fruit tram Heal 154 per annum on laaso-Card to now Corbett Auctioneer Epsom tojORHEY -To he LKT rtHHM ou moderate termi a nlne-roonsod detacned HUI'MK with double buy tront kitchen end dower garden Near largo commune between Uuildrord and Haaeimaae Naar raiL-Apply to Uak Villa Milford Sunoy Sussex to bo let cneuknibbed "tn eommodioas MANSfOV kaowa as Wynnslay Burgasshui coauio-Ing 20 bed rooms Dumarous rovwptloa rooms and domestic offlcaa Good atabllng aod about If acyq of ground Rutlah adapted fot hydropathic establish mml arhoul ur klgi) -Class boarding house Tbe Freehold would bo Sold a bargain AA dress Freeholderl2S Lansdowne plere Brlghtoa fTtO bo LKT In Hlgh-rtroet Pockli SHOP with aide entrance aod atahla broker a-Apply 86 Hlgh-eueet Packham TO be LET excellent HOUSE la Burtoe-croaceot Overt gurdeus Root Apply to Mr i Naeta Sureayor Bloonubury aquan WC fTto ba LET or BOLD Eart Finchley capital STABLING Ac cloao to railway tat loo aad tha Bj id Faced Stag Exceptional opportunity for Jobmasttr veterinary surgeon cr other requiring MahUu with room lor six borsm tovarjl cam large harwesa room and living rooms over Oa aod water laid oa Sufficient room lo addition to double the siae of the preseal promisee or euud one or two 111 reeldeecws The ieusa for year at a ground root artli bo sold fur £25fl moot of which could remain -Key at 2 Lansdowne-villas Eeton road (adjoining! be LET ctoao to Brtiton Station and main mad a large YARD Workshop and Mabllug with three entrance mt-101 for a bulkier contractor carman saw nulla nr any Puatncas requiring a pare -Apply to Hmka facing Bruton railway station fitO bSEwERR Lauodnmro Miaerat Water Maamfacraaara omnibus Tram Cab Owner -Two extensive bu cks of coatnleot PREMI4E8 with chimney shaft wall aad atabllng at KrnUngtoa gata to ho LET of BOLD Apply to Newmarch gurvayor 1 Liocoio lao flcldi Lowdoa fTto HAIKDKtSSERH Hualera Fancy llrupera Ac Watford Hart -To ba LET In a fast hMNMtag part of tbe town et re to the station and the best rtanientlal property a laig nubia corrrr SHOP with private entraneo to Rcrcn luxge rooms kitchen Apply to Herbert Broad Auctioneer Watford rfto MANUFAC'TUKFR1 Primer t'lgaretto Maker and otnera-Tu ha LKT lofty PREMISES with gl bawuneot In Long-acre Kent £50-Appiy by letter to to Agent Mr Barnard 41 Canterbury road Bruton containing in addition to the kitchen five or more gol room and bath room Klee garden back ar front Propefty fora part of a large well-cared-for estate which te within easy reach of Epping Forest There are good ctieap hop Kenttfrom £2 5 6d per month landlord paving ail outgo! ng to Collector 6 Pretorta-avenue Walthamstow (St Jamee-tret lutioa) RES! rl-flotnlOotartad UIIOH and small SWELLING front ltuU 24 Cboumort-road Rve iane Peckbam near She sfatloo CMd-etabllshed market place All adjoining shops well let Opening for tailor hatter hosier and outfitter Rent £36 per Key Hard I min Apply to A Morton Smith 4 Quean st root-place EC BLYTHE ROAD 77 We Kensinglon Addison rtd Station HOUSE (eight rooms- and SHOP Mdtable for leatherseller greengrocer and other trades Rent Key next door or apply to A Morton Smith 4 Queen-street-place SHOP double fronted Nine rooms fitted kith cellarage Private and back entrances Centre of good-claa residential neighbourhood Rant £55 Situate 42 bepberdbub road Ker Fiehar No 60 or apply to A Morton Smith 4 Quenn-street place HIGH STREET TlSUT Biuemea close to Battersea Station -HOUSE and SHOP six room' suitable for provision dealer greengrocer and other trades Rent £40 Key No 153 Apply to A Morton Smith 4 Queen street place E-C Attractive double-fronted premise with excellent 10-roomed dwelling house Centre of first-claee oetfObourDood Good opening for anv trade except fruiterer dairyman tailor or builder Situate 25 Winchester road South Hampstead close to Swiss Cottage Station Metropolitan Railway) Rent £70 per annum Apply to A Morton Smith 4 Queen-street-place EC or key to view Mr Wilson No 23 KaAaipgioa (Cloae to Do Vvrogardans BOARD and RESIDENCE In newydecoratod i altuated bowse Drawing room oommunp-auar wuTtana arwick road be klblUofl oppoai fleroT DOARD nad RESIDENCE Ctoro to Crvatal PaiaaTHDr IF aad Lew Level Bllharde aad v-f Img? Farqub ar road Upper Norwood BOARD and RESIDENCE (superior Extremely --ufiiTiiP Excallrnt table Rpacloua reeaptloa aad cnmfnctmie iU Ing rooms Highly rarommaodad Croual bus aad rea-toaw ot HomUeton House 2 aad JTork place Pnrtiaan-iqama DOA RD and HES! DENCE "Sumter wall-appoiaim Ma am MS Hyde Park aad Kensington Gardens Liberal taMs (k and 6 and 7 Pflncm aquaro Bayawatar BOARD and RESIDENCE on mo Hutiro 57 Outlford-strom (faring' I A RD aad RESIDENCE XrW-etosM Laflcastargm Rydj IF Park lo wall appotntod mansion ExcaUmt eatwax danse Tsruxa mudarxto-ProprtaUJss 11 fortua rflO be SOLD Noe I 2 3 or 4 STANUT-VILLA' A newly erected eeven-rootned houwe with ecullery and garden Apply to Hill 17 William street Herne May TO APIT Excellent BUILUINU ESTATE ready for development Freeholder erUI eoaem Interest tn ground rent to capitaJIst erecting well bull mu needed villas- Apply to cara of Date Bendy and Co 5 Walbrook EC No agente nnOBACCONisTS COMMENClTfCl-Seellld Guide aiidCalalogiie A 1259 pgal 3d How to Open a Cigar htore £20 to Tobaceonlata' Outfitting Co 188 Euton-road London hhopiittera for all trade (A reputation of over hall acentury) UgrJt' era DULWIClTTBva mlcutea from Kuiwirh a'lon ft oea seine hml rfASSt drFIDZ rOO CA'nsvrvatnry An etttactire doune-fronted conveniently planned RESI-DENCE It contains Bv bed nonr dreing room bath ruom 's thra reception rooms conservatory Board awi rf0idencb (tesired Four bath rooms mtelf EieoOoot imtkisg Dixon and bcriyEsNer Auctioneer and Estate Agent 404 and 406 Edcware-row Few selections from New Register: KILBURN £54 0 Pretty HOCflfc Three bed rooms bath ih and c) two sitting rooms kitchen Ac Small garden Near stations and 'bus Alto two others at £36 KILBURN £40 In decorative repair Four bed rooms bath (h and c) three sitting room and domestic offices Nloe garden A really cheap HOUSE Very convenient DRONDESBURY £50 Well situate select neighbourhood Five bed rooms box room bath and c) three reception and domestic offices Nice garden Decorated to auit tenant PADDINGTON GREEN £45 Six bed aad three reception rooms good offices Good open position and most venlent for trains and to all parte -Main read -Charming detached bijou RESIDENCE Perfect decorative repair Lrge and lovely garden Every modern convenience hole or part Furniture can be purchaed BAY8WATER (best part Capital gentleman's RESIDENCE Eight bad rooms bath aod nnd shower druble drawing room dining and library and supen domestic offices: small garden and large pleasure grounds at rear Excellent decomtive repair 13HE above are only a svmpl of tbe House on our Register We have RESIDENCES to LET in all parts at rents froin £30 to £400 a year and for SALE at all prices Tenants and purchasers are requested to send full detad of owners desiring to let or sell would do wall to forward wwtl-culars to Moesrs Dixon and Scrivener Auctioneer and Estate Agent 4(4 and 406 Edgwara-road End 1846 ITNDKK a DICED of ASSIGNMENT The trustee and Coin-) nntteeof Inspection tre prepareai to receive and consider otters for the purebaae ol the valuable LEASES Fixture and Goodwills together with the book debts aid stock-in-trade (tha latter to be token at a valuation) of the bus meases carried on by Mr John Furnishing Ironmonger and China and Glasa Dealer at 231 232 and 233 Upper-ttrect Islington The businesses are In thorough working order and may be inspected upon obtaining orders frm the J'rustee Mr James Martin of Meeers Martin Variow Eulridge and Co 4 King-street Cheapside Kt) of whom full information may be had healthy district Plenty of McMurtrle 11 BothweU- Wk L-TUady for occupation Pretty semi -detached VILLA on two floors No basem*nt rieasant gardens and tlds sntrsnea Three good slaed bed room bath two rooms kitchen seollery and plenty of cupboards Lease 71 bSyCan and view 80 Fernlea-road (four minutes from station and Tooting Bee Common -Suitable for a Pianofte Maker Cyclist Macbl-X ntot or other light Mnufcturing Buinw-Ckpii eighp roomed HOUSE In thorough repair with epKlous two door Building In veer having parateentrmnea Lease 70 years at 5 TTaLUABLE FULL OFF-LlCLNhEI BUSINESS MS front st Leonards with other bustneaa attached Every investi Ground" rent £7 7a Price £350 can rtmin por he Apply lavatory two wc modern fit Hers kitchen and scullery on ground floor Good cellar Iarg garden alth tennis lavn Shiv tnt ranrr 99 years from Decembsr 18S1 Ground rent £10 1 10s Pri( For further patlieulars apply to Mr James Smib Estaa Agent 91 IlnsandalaToad West Lh-leicb 8E WEST WORTHING (two minutes' walk from ten IronU- To be SOLD or LE an excellent aeml-detnched VILLA Three reception live bed rooms bnth room two wc a Garden front and bac Conservatory with good slues In fuRanng Healthy sh*tli aspect Pricy FREEHOLD BN Apply lo Mr Charles Hall 56 Hyh-treet lnphwn FRFFHOLD BUILDING 8ITE WANTED with POMmMob About 3000ft withlD quarter of a rnlla radius of Sho-squara Quiet streot not main thoroushfarai preferred I articular and plans to be ent to Daniel Smith a Land Ayent sod Survevors 10 aierloo-place Pell mall Hw I FREEHOLD GROUND RENTS arising fri'm yearly suburban 1 property WANTED at once to fit a fund of £15090 Up to 281 years' purchase given fur first -class parcel Montague Robinson and I Watson 56 Coleman-etreetEC UEOCIRED to purchase a FREEHOLD ORnrNp RFNJ Jit of £10 per annum Address 18 Parson a-green-lane Fulham SW a eqVIRED to pun-base lor an inveatment at Hackney IV Clapton email PROPERTY In large or small loti Send full Address 12 Gaacoyne-road South Hack gat Ion I xw price asked Freehold may to 10 St leoiardi U'OBESTHtLL (Brocklty-hlU DENCE aithin a nitout' walk of Eoroat kUI Honor Oak Park tJtloa cootoiolo fit bad fitted tk artMia recaption roorna aod ood oIBcoa Lar oroaiuaatol and 9'rokoo fardoo Just put Into tnorcufO repair ltut iMy fro or too Fraabold would bo uld -Apply to loota and Co AucUooeers od Surveyors 7t Colearaa atreat Baa EC Telephone No 842 'UX)WEY Cornwall has well FURNISHED HOUSE to te LET Charmingly situated magnlftceot view over harbour aad sea Admirable centre lor rivtr bsbing Two recep'loa five bed rooms bath room tec Ihre xuooeas weekly August and September lees term A 67 Upper Kennlngton-lan 8E fJURNISHED-Lndv wishes to LET MtcMy fsndjhiBd DETACHED VILLA with garden Unfavourite tetete 25 minutee from City 10 room and office Fur apeteal wanas the ver low rent ot £75 will be owaiAed MM IShten tm oat or two years Address Box 858 Willing 125 Strand WC INURN ISH ED-Hunpetead Heotn-To be LET oj pointed RESIDENCE in private road with lodge entrance commanding delightful view six bed room room bath nom kitchen ucaal office Lovely Slanted with large shady tree Bent right ffilate liters of Ernest Owers the Estate Offices Flncbley-road (L and NW) Station NW UffNlSHED-Moet charming RESIDENCE Lovelygrwmds seven acres 10 miles irom town Healthy select PA kin torn conyen toners Taiinia bowl Ac b)x bad tro droaaing bnth Ih and e) billiard and throe recaption rooms kxcRltosaliy food Apply to Mr Allrod Bowyer Auctioneer Enfield LXURM5HED Most flaalrabla RESIDENCE fo ba LET Four bad tbrao recaption roiroi bath (h and usual office Pralty eartiru bttuato In favoont road Balharo near tfitao common contamant for City Wejtaud Rent moderate Apply to Laddmt and Co 75 Bt Jamaf aroad tkaudanorth- common Stalk' Li' CRN I To be LET whole or part ot a pretty double-J? fronted HOUSE No basem*nt Bsib ib and Ibree minutes from tattoo 23 from tj Couotry otlgbnourhood Only one fulnoa or two Addrais Box 5ua Postal Dopartniont Dally Talograpb Heat atreat EC HOUSE thoroughly well appointed and In tha 1 beat pan at Bayiwator coa to Woatoounroa-royoi to ba LET at a Try moderate rental to a deal dee tenant for rii or 12 month Ply bed chamber drawing aad double dinlnf room Ac Sanitation Apply to Meaara Orayaa aod Aon 4 Talbot road Bayawatar EHIRNISHED HOt'SI cloao imiu bui White lev to be LET month aix woeka Every coroton boor bed two recaption room 3f guineas lirlurive Excellent aarvatit happw Lodge Cnepatow-rtila Bayawater 1CRNI8HED-Pratty wcludad HOURE with large garden and at ah las la be' part at Bt Johnawaod Drawing dining four Dad room iooa unfurnisbadi nuriary Larw rent tor rauaiodar ot Addreaa Bijou 116 Higb-atroat et Jobe a- wnod la'URNIflHED OFFICE to bo LET in Bedford row Front room Hu liable for solicitor Ac Term £3 per moot h-Addreaa Legality Deacon' advertising Ofltoaa Leadwn halMtaet (tOIALMlN(etnoa to nation town and church Capital I tamilr RESIDENCE funding on high ground Three recaption and eight bad room Kant £109 par annum Price £1600 throe fourth mav remain on mortgage at per cent Particular of Meaara Collier and Son Ktate Agent Gaialmlng tOODWOOl and COWEs-Beaulilully FURNISHED HOUsfc VT containing four bed two recepti ni bath room usual olticeo lovely wtleatocked garden Sea bathing limiting (four packs) Etve minute of station near Southsea To ba LET throe aix or 12 montha Or Paring Gueats entertained Moderate term for race wk Cowea Raeatu Ac other Rt Hoof Spa Pln- lirEtT END FINE ART BUdiN E80 in one of the best streets Established no years To be TRANSFERRED a great bar litla rermn Clem is suum sod 'bus to oil part No 22 end 2flJ6art sororVsqee Board and PESIlirsCE Corofortakt tome rrod ukij Batb Young sad cboreful mansgomrot Manesl rog social evenings Terms mndorata Bpsrial ijductlna 1st fraaR 45 Growenor road inna mlnuto oC Cmsribufy fits tins litis (fim-d' flpro 4d mutloC Easy acres to all parts Flcaltont culslna BRlurds sag balk ms Moderato terms -IV Wrotboornr-urTSce Hvde Pwt BOABD aod RFBIDFNCE Every comfort in yrtroro bouse Good taMs Tennis Bash roam Near km xa rail Term niodat-0 12 Bandripn gardens MiMavxR BOARD and BEHDENCK Corltoo Bourn place Russell-square Central Comfortable Batb Terms weekly from 21a fld dally sad stem BOARD sod RESIDENCE pari or bom le 'Tmnaafia' gentleman or married enupis Hath 'hot aad cold) 7 mats lawn Good attendance Term modorslt -Apply al CUfHq gardens MaldAvale BOARD and RESIDENCE superior -Maix a jji Bedford-ptoew square WeU himmM Mneng dining end bed room Young society Excrilrot taMe TTtaea cleanliness Manservant Highly ncnmmroiit Twma fwm Ra DUAID aad RESIDENCE In enpertor henro al prtyme fanflv IS for a rent laman Ifs or two friends 3M weekly tetveie tonus Late dinoar fleparat bed room 45 Orphan road 8W BOARD and RESIDENCE In smaU faroy bleb gramd Kuril nairbbourbood Bix mlnetm Pro desbnry Station Metro and LaU glaaw-M Fordwych-road 8boot-op-hlU- N-W VbOARII and RESIDENCE 19 TkdrtflMeeiaro table Hiene eosoforto Termi from 2U Bum gf to all parts ThOAKD and RE8TtENCg7(aupfrtorirYACANCIj 1 most comfortable and ml-nppolnted hotaa-14 I plac Russrll KIAkli and RESIDENCE Tor Goron and Yoi waged to business or study or starting London wn gain and on essy Urmi Suitable to a person with art tastes or a tradesman with a of the picture Apply to Messrs Scarff and Co 13 Poultry EC 1NE Spirit and Beer KDRIUGB HATfHER and JACKSON hays for BALE genuine roncem return lng over £3000 per aonum st full price' Fremise are repete with every convenience Rent and evpenses low Capital required abont £1500 Fullest lnvestlsetlon Apply to Edridge Hatcher end Jackson 4 Eatchoap EC EB8R8 HARRIS "and CO 4 Liverpool street Oty EC hire numerous clients with rpd? money rwqtilrlng good yv STRAWBERRY HI LL I wickeebam (near tnver post-office anti Mrawhero hill station on the and 8 WR with excellent train service to town To be LEI several excellent RK 81 in th I extremely healthy tocailty 8lx or aeveo bed and dressing rooms tath room three reception room commodious domestic office even i4dern convenience Good garden with tenuis lawn Rents £75 to £100-Particular of Mer Egerton Breach and Galsworthy Land Agent Sunreyore 2 and 3 Serle-ireet Lincoln Im WC or of the Caretaker 50 Straw bern-hill-road Twickenham WEST KENSINgTOI (cloee to Weet Kensington Station wilh easy access to all parts and within tew minutee walk of J4t Paul a School and the Earl court Exhibition Io be JETone or two deelrmole RESIDENCES containing about three sitting and hve bed rooms titled Dalb room good doeaertic offices wit every modem eontreotenee Kent £55 to £ou Further particulars ot Messrs Egerton Breach and Galaworth) as above or at the Estate Hfice l2 JTalgarth road fFH) A RU AKIN Vinegar or Jam Manufariutavk Brewara ond otbara -Egham near tha Thamea ton minulea from ato-tlon (SWR1 and about miM from Hlxt Rtotnea tkwnmo dioua PHKMihKs wUhviieuaiya atom nut and nag turning and others to ha LE I' wnn or without the well-huill residence adjoining -Partlciiian of Mr Walker Auctioneer Eghrnn TO RESTAURANT PROPRIETORS aad olharo-Oppoalt Oocoral Peak Spucioo and well llghtod GROUND FLOOR and BAsem*nT PREMISES covering shoot 3160ft upor to ba Terms of Mr Edward Millard al Finahury- eifeus EC- raxwn FREEHOLD SHOPS to ha LET or SOLD Splendid position liuOle fronLiga main road trams and two atatioo Vacancy tiv draper oilman or grocer Ollier 16 aiaur Jilpiwl of Loulaiii all onilorts ot a modern Apply 7 Grand-parade Ksluam lull SW FURNISHED VILLA In I ho heft central pl-Iron overlooking tho too conuliitng two aitting and hve b-d room Term three guineas per week lea tong Owner 15 Sprtng-gardrio Vantnor lsr ATFORD ifisw nnoutaa' walk fTJtn tho sUlhw £10 par TV hDOuni A delightful country RESIDENCE ta excellent repair containing lour ground ffoor reception rooms bad and dressing rooms titled bath room aod excellent offices Stabling aid email farnierv wall kept pleasure grounds Lxrg kilcben garden orchard and pad dm a In oil about fly acre- Recommended from per vm inspac tion by tha Sola Agent Hampton and Soot 1 co*ckxpur alreet SW kRCELL-FURNISHED VILLA lo Du LET Two tling room If ami three bed room hath room piano and gurden Near river Three guineas a woes cr Ig ora KUerton ilia Oakdale- rood tt ry bridge AS BRIGHTON -Private BuUSE to aa LKT FUR NISHED Tutaa reception four bed littod bath looms la rlon ooe minuta from sea No too moot Or Eicbang lor East Coaat Toro guineas woolly -ta Hestbournwnha WEnT KENMNO ION be LET HoC'bES alul FLATS in Duet positions near station and exhibition Haul from £50 to Apply at Cedar Ntoera Weal Kensington qirtNT END OFFICES to be LET the brat part of Bond-f aueut comprising four rooms May be Apply to Mr Pncy Abrams A uet nwovr 32 Cbrapeldr KC-C (529) CM1LNTKY UOLNK and garden her had rooms (detacued pro-i lenvd) within 12 miles of or NW ot London near a railway station for August or part August and part September £5 to £5 per Full (articular to Kusticus care ut Mrem lireron a Lealrnhali-Uat KC iAVr Wan tluT- f*cknTsHEu Ootiagl withiutwoor tfi re minute of tea Sand beach preferred Kent 12 guiiteas lor two Aklres lull particular lox Box 5402 Foetal Department Dally IVigraph Flet-tret EC LU'RXISUI WANTED at one Ir a tann In th neighbourhood of 0outb Hampstead or 8t John wood Fire bed room' tec Kent most Address A II Box 1187 Postal Depart mu i Daily Telecvaph Wolngham Houw Piccadilly OtsL WAN rtD rent L3U to £35 no haacment Four 1 loom batb room (ii and c) About It minutes Jrotn I KJHOP PROPERTY -WANTED to purebaje good FREEHOLD or LEASEHOLD shop Must be In good position MdleJ on repairing Full particular to osre ot Smtlb 51 Moorgate-street rpHE ONF PER' CENT PROPERTY EXCHANGE 35 Tower -chamber Moorgatostreet Loodon EC HOUSE and 8110P PROPERTY BOUGHT and BOLD Mortgages of any amount obtained privately Commission on all transaction One per Cent only No Preliminary Fee or Expenses of any kind unlms the ness is completed by this Exchange-Address the Meager Beyersl cheap Freeholds and Lesrebolds for Bale torv ref omen on very moderate toms sTtggle meoRto iromqn tr desired All payments In adroee-Briro on aopheattmtoHi usekerper Bruoswirk House Brtmswp b-eonare UOAKD and RESIDENCE South Kensington ExceOeethflfi rS l'crms lrratr The proprleuem having extend km liars has one or two Knarashnro premia Apply on the prlwThfo 64 Marlborough-road Upper Hollowav (cloee to MldUnd etatlon) T) AROAlTThTiong-LEASEHOLD SHOP PROPERTY let at £A5 per annum Ground rent £16 Convenient house ana good cellarage Main road Price £580 or near Yiale 100a Queen a-road Peckbam VpASt occupation or in Pi vestment In Oakhill road Mextield road Galveeton road and Schubert uoad Held for long unexplred tormt at modarate around rente To be SOLD by auction at White Lion Hotel Putney by order of morgaguea on Aug 1 bj Meiwa hegiAve Browett and Taylor Aucuoneer 117 Holborn EL and New Beckenham Kent Aug 1 by Messn Segrave Browett and Taylor Auctlonoera 117 HoThom EC and New Beckenham Kent SOLD or LET eight FREFHOLD I) HOUSES with shops Nos 1 to 8 Lamb's ConduitTuSsage Bed Lion-square Apply to the Surveyor Chrlat'a Hoepltil Newgate-street EC riShWS An undoubted A pair of caoltal HOUSES In Hi vs Vllisa to be SOLD either together or separately Price FREFHOLD £850 each- Rental valua £55 or would be Let Furnished at three week Apply to Crouch Strevens and Co 86 Weatern-road Brighton (176750 mirfONTlILL-Ta hi SOLD with possaaslon attractlra compact and wall-built HOUSES containing two reception and from four to six bed room bath ihot and cold) with lavatory Perfect eanltary App on Premise to A Crter Cloot 7 Arodene-road Brliton-hul 8W Muit be No 12 BONHAM ROAD cTos to tram and sUtlon 10 good room kitchen upstoro end dosrn No haeement 72 year unexplred et six guineas Let on yoarlv tenancy at £54 Price £350 to clear Leonard tlodge F8I 2 Ferndala-road SW To be SOLD immediately at a sacrihco excellent HOUSE for £110 worth double Learo 11 yean Ground rent £51 10e Rental value £80 Vacant Jamee Nrwle Architect 10 Bloomehury-equare WC HKaP FREEHOLD LAND In the country 40 mrlee from London 9 aero Price £1C0 Will grow anything Os-er 200ft frontage to well-made perish road Return fare 2a 6d Prettv country Free Apply Meter Harman Bros 76 Aldermanbury Guildhall London EC CsTfOfFfBUILDINO PLOTS" at A few ettroctive FREEHOLD ploU having frontage of 40ft each bv a depth of newly 200ft Dry petition deep gravel toll Price £50 each Free conveyancei If deelred No reetrlctlone at to cost or style of building A few adjoining plots would form an attractive slte-Apply to Main Dowaett Knlgbt and Co 5 Lincoln's Inn-fielda London -SHOTCE Uttln RESIDENCE Parfeet repair Lease 70 Ground Ay rent New drains A perfect home £40caahand balance 62 15e Apply on the property 76 Kynaeton-road hurcb-atreet Stoke Newington LAPH AM (bear to Electric LC and and LB and SC Ay Single and double-fronted HOUSES Four to six bed rooms two to three sitting rooms For full particular of above end other propertiea Inquire of Harrl Builder the Estate Office Stirling road Clapbam rise ilLAPH AM-COMMON South Side -Splendid 10-rootned A HOUSE to be SOLD et great sacrifice Just eot £70 to decorate Drains perfect Lease 90 years Ground rent only £7 7 Prioe £425 to quick Particular! of Owner Sand- rate Park bill Clapham SW VSOMBE and FREEHOLD VILLAS near nr and all part of crtUnlrr -Partkiilar and terms Kliiott and 00 Auriiooear aod House Agents Ox lord Mansion Oxford- circu VV SALES by TENDER BUSINESSES Ac AIE THIS Mr MORLEY HILLIPStl SELl hy tender To-day July 27 the following OCKn Jine entire dremaklng stock of Mer A Caiger and Co the well known costumier of 13 George-stmet relinquishing the Court department) coMtatlni of costume costuming piece k8 Jke1 capvltert hat and bonnets Ac £1755 6 4d Tigether with a Wesfcr tailor took Lot 1 Suiting coating trooseHng £25617 2d UA1I Readv made uit coat trousers Ac £228 6 lid AlWASUr Dius PraDurv Stock Loti: Silk print dresa stuff mantle Ac £201 ia 94 Lot 2: similar to lot 1 £29313 Id ogetber with the Stockfi trade of Mrs Jane Fairfax dresnaakep of 9 Castle-street Bridgwater (retiring) drew material JgJJJJ' imriprwpRr millinery Ac £185 0 7d A stock of dres matina £23 19s 5d! A gent hosiery stock £10 9 6d A of lined kid glove £21 0s 9d Total at £2 956 The stock of Messrs Caiger will be iho on the rF The remaining stock at the Sale Room 60 Great until twelve to-day when tender for the whole will there TRjlrPER8 Ac -BALE POPE and RJ SONS are instructed SALE by Messrs structed by Mr Lea General Draper BOOT Clothing and Drapery BUSINESSES in town or country No charge unless business transacted NB PIeae forward particulars os sood as possible rftu MRLWFRSanl WANTED email PUBLIC Jl Respectable class trade (South or Jouth-rast A care of A Bartlett Uumberley KurrejT liryST-END DRESSMAKERS with iinctione snaall who contemplate relinquishing butineae re Invited to COMMUNICATE with Snow and River 25 bloane-treet SW PARTNERSHIPS FINANCIAL Ac PARTNERSHIP soap works -A gentleman for many years manager of on of the large! oap works in he North i desirous of meeting with a capitalist having abort start new work? from which lare profit can be made or would Join an existing Arm of repute Can find aome eapttti Apply to Bapo cr ot Crowther and Goodwin 10 Adam-strect Strand WC PARTNER 21 to 40 with £f00 to develop established ready money tailoring and hosiery busings two branches' £3 nr week and third of profits Previous knowledare net essential Address Active Box 1215 Postal Department Dally Telegraph Walslnghatn Houe Piccadilly Vi PRTNER WANTED at to Join established uc(wr and surveyor Capital £500 or more opportunity with addl tlooai capitai to at once make large profit City and sexaide Address Genuine Box 5443 Postal Department Dally Telegraph EC PARTNER WANTED with £3000 to £4 WO for the purpose of opening a new branch in connection with an established wholesale business of large proportions and owned by responsible Individuals Full particulars to principals or their solicitors only Address Box 5422 Postal Department Dally Telegraph Fleet street EC PARTNER WANTED to replace outgoing partner In well-eetabiished week journal Excellent position for a lady or gentleman willing to Invent £5tf capital Editorship can be secured if required ITinclpal onlv nddres Journal Box 5170 Postal Department I telly Telegraph Fleet-street KC PARTNER WAN Denttoman with £10U0 pnn'hase half-share of established wholesale and retell dyeing and cleaning works Income £300 per annum Gentlemanly occupa-tin Short hour Verv eafe Investment and will bear strictest Investigation-Write to Wlltluf'e 16? Piccadilly A FEW FOUNDS or mon can mIwavs he safely and mot profitably Particu'ars free of Secretary General rcaulit Finance Company Railway-approach London Bridge gU( A LAD or GENTLEMAN caiPlNVEST £50 or £100 (fully secured and repayable seven days notice) In a safe and lucratv establish I business the weekly return upon which are abcut £10 for each £5d Ingested No cr he rciuhca Every investigation Bankers and other Address 1 2 Pernbridge road London hum nidi-r SW POARDand RESIDENCE Rochester Houw MtmHin 15 square WC-A lady will to pknrod to aocomiaotouehw ladie and gonOmnen Kerry bom comfort Bath Ik no Central for all parts Manservant TbOARD and RESIDENCE In godlato board mg hnawgro 15 to Add'soioroad station and bus reutofor Pndflli md Cltv Special term for famlllo Single rooms from syfeey Houw 2 and 26 SlnrUlrrnad Krosington BOARD and HEM PENCE Large rountry rrotoryeod pm Nuar Fellkltrorr -Miss Willie Trim lev Ipswich QOARD and Central position cjoesteOrtJ 15 eircil and Langham Hotel hrwiy (umtobod LadUa gmgla men andfamllee Fnatciaae cuisina Frlyate tabto Swm moderate Premetreee 12 Wevipouth-etreet Fortluw-pbew BOARD and RESIDENCE tn private hone tor voanff CRy rn i tie-man (one other hve minutee ron eutwa freei river and Terrace Bath (h and )- Term moderate -H ae of Curt 90 fcheen-rod Wirhinond ran wav station within 10 mu Brood street Motion Forth iitchrey prrt erred 46 Indw teKQL'lKKDlonwit wiUnaoai Miteui trkand Albany IV good small tauniy Hut Two rituns lira bed mow Cl offices and small pavdaa Ktrnt £50 to Lsrwis Kerlry ary Park-street Camden Town 70 Commercial road Bournemouth to offer hns STOCK-in TRADE for sale by tender Amount £1120 10s 7d -On view at Board residence id hm wi eiyMyigk Nrwlv derocated end furnished CtoUailv edualrd Ovw-' RMM Gaud r' using berttt rd-etwet Runi efi Wa JJOARD and RE8lTENCT Cnarw nr mansioa end (emit uta-a-70 1 AKD and KEBlTsENCR (levinisi cloee to Crystal Palac iHigbLeweli -r BEAT YARMOUTH and BROADd (j For FURNISHED HOUSES Apply to Horatio Femer Haute Agent Great Yarmouth AMPTON Ol Ki i'o be LE emi-leUcfil VILLA lour bed rooms bath room (h aialc) double sitting kitchen tec garden Face river Two minute from above station £358 4 F4locerecent Molesey Lock II COTTAGE two sitting XX and five bed room Nice garde tec Two minutee from station Easy reach of Iie of Wight New Forest tec 24 guinea per week from end of Full particulare from A Tomkins Eq 27 Cannon st rest EC HARLE8DEN Wlllesden and District-Uarlvailed train He-ilthv and bracinr neigh bourbood- Mr 0 PRIESTS REGISTER contains particular all tbe available HOUSES to be LET or BOLD Poet free on app Estate Office 41 8t at ion-road Wiilesden Junct To 8 LET KLKNlSHEH tr foiirorfii week large detached HOUSE well situated Gsrelen Use of At Idres Harrogate Hut 6494 tal department Daily llgraph teieet-street EC HIGH MAKNET-To FC ENISHKD for DIM month or longer ini-d'tachd HOUSE Four bM rooms hath room two rerrfiUen rooms ami convenient kitchen also rnomv coarhhmi and excellent stabling for two home Only 35s i Applv to Joseph llealy High Barnet Herta OKNbKY-KLSE -Mitteiior VIILA to be LET or SOLI Newly decorated Close to fit rhtetid Motion GNK) On gnsind rtorr thre large rooms large hall six bed mom Hath (hot aod cold) large kitchen and good domestic offices garden tront and bock-Apply lo Harper 25 WTIbcrlorceroad Ftnsburv Ptrk OI SE AGENTS GUIDE Hounslow Edmund Horne Hampton Mleey Moore Hi Andover Allan Herbert Addle? one Surrey Hinns liMinptcn vxanagemrot Cuiaine hr rbrf Bdliarde (full EQUIRED wilhin a short dlstaac from London fw rmis XV out snburbs small HOUSE Garden with lew ncre of Laud stabtlng and ootbous attachd Sultabl fr keeplug Address wltn full particulars by letter to 35 larliock -crescent Westhourn Park Paddington Looduo I IhEQClKLD in neii(iiiouiiMol ol NuUmc-tnlPgate ar May XV water a small UNFURNISHED HOL CfNitauiinff two I oi three reception rooms aix bed rooms bath room tec Rent not I to exceed £5J per annum -Address 5 Pcmbridire-road Not- I ttfMhffilft lately detached country cOlTAGK South rater dry situatiou inclusive Address Permanent Box 584 a EQLlKED imiit XV or West ot Kurland 'Good water dry situatiou Inclusive rnt not toexcetnt a year-Address fVrmaoent BLACK It LAID ccwee to SKR Station the Haath and Green wlch lo be LET a semi-detached HOUSE In good repair containing three sitting live bed room fitted bath room nd usual office Rent £65 -Particular of Meter Egerton Breach and Galsworthy as above SOUTH KENNING ION (close to South Kensington Station and bus route to tfi To be LET detirabl RESIDENCE containing live bed rooms three reception rooms batn room (h and Kent £-Paiticular of Mtoius Egerton Breach and iialsworthy ms above ANFRLEY To be LET ot SOLD a desirable family RE8I DENCE containing five bed rooms box room dross mg room bath room and three reception room and uuual offices Long garden Rent £46 Price FREEHOLD £725 Also a smaller House containing three bed room dressing room bath room aod two reception rooms kitchen tec long garden rent £25 lease 81 years unexplred ground rent £6 price £250 easy terms of purenase If Apply to Mr Porter 16 New Bridge street EC WUTTON To be LET or SOLD a semi-detached villa RESIDENCE containing four bed rooms bath room and ta reception rooms kllchea culiery Good garden nltk side entrance Rent £25 99 years from Lady Day 1868 Ground rent £5 Price Apply to Mr Porter 14 New Btid-street EC f'lAMBERIVFLU-To be LET a cap tal RHOP In male road wltn god dwelling accommodation Busy thriving neien bourbood Suitable for any feurinete Rent Apply to Mr Porter 16 New Bridge street EC itoDMON To be LET corner SHOP and HOUSE con--Es talnlng shop parlour kitchen scullery wc and tbre good rooms on first floor Suitable for general Premium £5 Rent -Apply to Mr Porter 16 New bridge-street EC Bournemouiholmch ind 0RTER House and Estate Agents Auctioneers tee FURNISHED HOUSES for tbe summer months Also Residences Unfurnished and for Write with requirements Offices Lansdowne Bournemouth OURNFMOUTH- Excellent SCHOOL HOUSE to be LET FURNISHED for the holidays Capital position 10 bed rooms batb rouiu four reception Apply to Tuiioch and Ortner as above I UUKNEMOUTH WEST) -Detached private RESIDENCE with good grounds near tbe sea and bathing station to be LET FURNISHED Seven bed rooms bath room three rectp- lion rooms Rent four guineas week Apply to Tuhuch and Ortner as above 11TORTHIKO trine-ri rode To be LET UN FUR NISH ED a commodictis RESIDENCE containing four reception ruom seven bed rooms brin ro4m and ample office The bouse is rewly decorated end fit for Immediate occupation Bent nd full particulars may be obtained of Messrs king sad CViesinnre Land Agents Worthing To be LET FURNISHED for three or six ff' oMteths a comfortable RESIDENCE standing In Its own garden in a pretty part of the town The house contains three re ept'on rooms 'on-wrvatoiy six bed rooms dressing room bath room and god offices Well-stocked garden Moderate ient Full particulars of Mesars King and Chosemore Land Agent Worthing liroKTMlNO FURNISHED HOUSES to be LFT for ft the summer months or long Messrs KINO ana CHASE MORE will send their LIST of Houses to be let in Worthing and neighbourhood on Full particulars may be obtained of Messrs king nd Chase more Land and Estat Agent Worthing Sussex OLD To be LET In a high and healthy situation overlooking Grovelanrfs Fark and away from ot her houses a charming old-fashioned detaclord RESIDENCE containing 11 room stabling and excellent matured garden In first-rate repair Very moderate rent Particulars of Mr Alfred Richards? Auctioneer 816 IIigh-rd Tottenham (4268) IUsmVKUAD-fiOUSE and bllOF and spacious Xj HOUSE With Hateiaent suitable tor bottled beer merchants railway agents and others requiring a large floor epoce to be LET Rent £150 a vear Or the Lease would be Jsold-Par-ticulars of Mr A'freu Richards EsUte Agent 18 Flnsbury-tlrcue London to (4326) or of Messrs Ruiiey Son and Vine Auctioneers 6 George street Enston-road NW Ay Coombe Woods with long gardens facing open country T4 to Old-etandinir tenants and producing £200 4s per annum Brigldont W) Young and Sadler Bexhll l-oo-Sea Bray Chester and Brown Dover lathroan and Co Eastbourne Bray Godalmmg Folker Horton Hasting 6k John Kenrinfiou Chesterton Kingston Nightingale lowestoft Titeoare and Few Maidenhead Tilly Tunbridge well Bracketts moderate Itevenetone Farquhar-reoA tfpnw NrewenA XhOARD-ond RES! DENClCwUta boro crofroG rod 15 nv-nn at Thral Hl' btrratham Ftrrt rlato rto RJ rrerptitn rradibr smoking rortotoioo ond to'nsrt wo qurnt rntrrtainfnrnts N- lounge 7 Gitov At iy Saturdax Tennis Uxirnainenta Two golf ciuw cewe OAHL ndRlDECg (very BMpenog)-- tutors to Xfc u-ually etaying at hotels are Iflittfl tn wy daily system vU Bed room table hot Breakfast hgtite rioola and atti dnc 4s fid a day Inclusive Table dlFte dh rer if desired 2s 6d each or en pension from M-tpH from £2 a week Good table Mbtary GeemMngane reading room Comfortable drawing room CsBnn Melbourne House 2122 and 31 Bedford-pince iliffl Iffia Tfbtram Hoagoffe Ijodow OAKD (Superi-c) near siauon porks and tram Mft inm baths 18s 6d inclusive Reduction far fnenda-IL woe cesrerrnad Finsbury Park BOA BOR KG E0TA3LISHMENT NjuT Kenstagteeamk High -street Only house in this eqnve AJadr atwrt accustomed to good 6UfroTBdirgs cptdiets her arm aspect satlsfadlorily Two minute from bo and tras BOURNEMOUTH -BOARD and RFFIDENCE 9 weekly overlooking winter gardens and sea Qrem Own tennis court Large recreetinn room 0ee tkia bon mm choosing rooms 0a me hands 16 Tbe Wscte lOUBNE MOUTH -try THF MARCH Eh tER 8t Mirhm 3 road Qrod comfertable DOARPI1TQ BWWjt Clewtes Pavilion 0pciou drawing dining smoking rooms Full-sised billiard table From 25f -Gen Cola reynn or BO MU Ul HUM lL' IDE BTa KDINg M0Pg cote-rnnd overlooking poMic garden hve Station and een Term tnen 25a Smoke room-MiHlvreaV: RlURNFMOirTH-XAlONBURY HALL rwentlr ard and redecorated Close to sea Noted for comforts uo muine Pension or la carte Table hOU eeren Inclusive terms i vEllacot htgb-cun bOamwii E0TABLI8HMENT Fooie-rood In AgFF and CERTAIN INCOME of 2 pr week-Small INVESTORS of sums from £C5 upwards are Invited to writ for particulars of lnve-tment as above In a non -speculative West-end business which wl I bear the strictest Investigation Capital under control Banker's Mervyn Esii- 83 Gross enor-stret Bond street CTOMPNY FORMATION by the latest and new and original methods saviuK hoti time and rn ney Tho derirous of converting existing Into Joint-stock companies or of developing new enterprises are requested to address a strict confidence Viator Box 4956 Pestai Department Daiy Teleerph Flt-trcet EC OSV THOUSAND POUNDS or part thereof) for SALE 5 per cent debenture in an old-established manufacturing and trading company Paying regular dividends Amply secured Price par Principals or solicitors only- Address Box 851 Willing Advertisem*nt Offices 125 Strand WC kJ AFF For 8ale' 50 fully-paid £10 freehold brewery Shares with guaranteed dividends 10 per cent Prospect large profits Would be divided Cash wanted --Particulars from Horncastle's Advertisem*nt Offices Cheap-side EC Blundelfand Co 49 Kastchrep (tirg Advt Scries) HOUSE (ml-detjched to LET containing four recep tion rooms five bed rooms dressing room kitchen bath room and usual offices Good garden Kent £95 -Apply between ten and five on tbe premia 25 Hilidrop-rred Camden road ENSIXGTON WEST) Superior RESIDENCES to LET one pm tendere'wlll be opened at Mesers Fope and Office Downham Market Norfolk The tenancy of tho premises can be negotiated 4TESKv VAHTEK anJ LE GRAND (estapliahcd 1797) A UL-TIONEEKS and VALUERS 9 Southampton-stre BligMTiaburytnuaro WC and at will be pleaswl to hear from punlicaiis or hotel proprietors wishing to 'l'sv'Se o' their businesses as they have a large number of clients seeking genuine concerns No charge whatever unlesx business results Send full particulars tn above oflicee Messrs A KTE and LE GRANDan'instrurfed to to lind purchaser for one of the most chorrolng llOI KLS Kent lleautifully furnished and well arranged Sanitary details absolutely perfect Ice trade at lirst class prolits from the best people Vine stabling and conrhhouses Apply at the Auc- iVnn Offices 9 Sonthaniptnn-etreet HMmirhury: uiare WC rtA'H Messrs UAR1 EK and LEtHANDIiavon capital (J FULLY LICENSED HOUSE In good working-class distru for DISPOSAL larng free lease Moderate rent Nice is regular Apply personally Auction Office 9 Southmp- ton-street Bloonisbnry sqnare VASH Messrs CARTER and IE GRAND have tor DISPOSAL an excellent countrv HOTE on ma road and near station Well furnished Doing regular trade at largo nroiits Good boating fishing and Full particulars at AtsttoSoffiooo 9 Southampton ueet Dloomahury aquare i MaooraT CAKI'FR ahd tKGKAN narTTlond attburtu HOUSE for DISPOSAL Lons ksooo ot tow mU Fully licensed and situated In ilous Auction 9 Southampton street Hloomsbury-S'iuare WL I I a £550 Messrs CARTER and LE GRAND have for A SALF acharmlng little PROPERTY fuliy licensed in st Johnviood he at £100 rent Comfortabio home Easiiy-inanagod busines Suitable for a lady-Apply at Auction OfficM 9 Southampton-stroet Bloomsbury square tVL rTASH Meiers CARTER and LE GRAND have a capital roadsids INN with a compact acreage of land for posai Fi-ee for everything except draught beer ver iuvrai ind pulfr brewed Raw chance Vor anyone wUhlng VoemnMM with lucrative public trade-Anpiy pereonally at 9 South ropt on-street I oom biir-quare to VaTCaBLE HOSIERY PLANT lor SALE a going ton-A cem comprising patmu plain rotary footer-Reply to Hose Box 6174 Fostal Department Daily TelegraphFleet street EC A To solicitors and parents sroklng profitable A investment for tbelr clients and sons offers for the purchase of an Important old establ'bea wen known JOBMASTER'S BUSINESS In London al liable and extensive freehold premises Numerwis lratlvc contraci rn stork of superior horse modern vehicle wuoe ju thorough working order Open to every investigation Apply to and 8 Freeman Aldridge 8t Martin lane B- OARDING or LODGING HOUSE Great Malvern-N mlum-Th FREEHOLD of a well built Wished boose with g'irden situated in a Wgh and hractag ttlon la this fashionable watering place DI0PO8AU Sptend oppor-tunity for a businesslike couple 16 rooms of furniture optional Part sublet at £30 per annum and so leaving ample room for extension The premises could be easily adapted for wnvalesceat home or similar purpose Price £2000 half could remain on tmutgae-HSole Agents Frank Everill and Co Great Malvro ON 5 FIDE fully -licensed private HOTEL and BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT Brighton front) 30 rooms Two per-r producing over £r-00 yearly occupying six rooms Producing over £rou Let For 8 LE by mortgagee at the low price of £2600 -Nightingale Phillips tad Page Auctloneere Kingston-on-Thames Telephone No 9327 UINTIBURT PARK (No 24 Canning road close to etltloni Charming seven-roomed bay window two-floor beautiful flower garden Ac In splendid repair Ren-tol vain £32 Lease 75 years at £5 5s Only £275 with possession See Key of Fred Verity Auctioneer 49 Black- stock-road Fin sburyPark pair of brick-and-sUte COtTAGES with large Situate In beautiful neighbourhood overlooking Tv wooded green Two miles from station hour from London Ihice if sold at once £200 Address Box 5496 Postal Department Dally Telegraph Fleet-street EC fWO POUNDS par annum for 47 years for £325 Jr secured on two well-let weekly properties cloee to Euaton- road Great Barker 25 Motcomb-atreet 8 YT'RamIiIlD near Uck field Important to Market 1 Gardeners fruit cut flower tomato early vegetable salad and mushroom Mesan PROTHEROE and MORRIS are instructed to offer for SALE by tender In two lots the following FREEHOLD PROPERTY Lnt 1 The FramlieM Nursery rich meadow Ac 14 a lr I3p Nine newlv-built greenhouse about 74000 superficial feet heated about 10000 ft of piping and boilers fitted with tanks Ac with the valuable vine two collages and numerous other out- Tbe Freehold Building Estate divided from Lot 1 by public footpath and embracing an area of 12a 2r 3p having 1600ft of building frontage lo existing roads 1 enders will be receiver! at the offices of Messrs Protheroe and Morris Auctioneers 67 and 6P Cheapside London EC at noon on Thursday Aug 8 1895 Copies of particular and forms of tender may be had of Messrs Vincent and Vincent Solicitors 20 Budge-row Cannon street London EC and of theAuc- tifineers above of SHOP and PREMISES vT 51 years at £49 ner anmim Suitable for butcher boot m-rchaot or any good-clare trade (except such trades as are carried on In the adloinlng shops) Price £500 or rent on lease £85 Apply to Messrs Robinson and Sons The Square Richmond -V REAT BARGAIN in FREEHOLD PROPERTY -Nina large HOUSER for 8 UE 6 to It Arundel squaro In tho best port Fostal flepwtteBat Daily THiefraph Fleet-street EC II EQUIRED witblB 30 mile of London COTTAGE with a XV few arres of pasture land from Michaelmas Bent not ex-ceedng £0 per annum -Address Cnrnhill EC EUUIKED at the seaside for the month of August a FUR NI0HED COn AGE or VILLA Not less tbaa five bed Write full particulars to 5t Gareinoot-rood Hihgate Londoa WANTED FlkNlkHKl) HOl'SK with lawn to river Two Bitting three ted three eerv ante room use of boat LaU furtnifht August lm model W53 BMcreveroad SW WANTED middle of August for three or four weeks at quiet seaside resort FUUM0HED COTTAGE Three bed rooms and sitting room EaU or ftmth Coast- Address full particuars Be Box 5461 Postal Department Dally Teleirraph Fleet-street EC SHOP amt UUlIsSE WANTED lore retit (not in London) where there is a god open ins tor general fancy buaiueae with Milte Chemist Pokesdoren Hants UoP and light BAsem*nT WANTED in good boslnese tnoroughfare within half-mile of PirradUly circus Rent not to exceed £10C per Address Box 12tb Postal Department Daily Telegraph WaDiugham Hoae Piccadilly LL detagosd VILLA KKJIDVNCK with garden WAirT ED within eaav diaUnre of Address Householder Box 1127 fostii Department Dally Telegraph Walsinghain House Piccadilly MALLHOUttK WANTED FURNISHED not more' than 25 miki from London (two or three mile from railway preferred for a tew week tn August or September -FuiJ particulars to A 93 Winchester-street SW MALL hoLSK WANTED Seven nr eight rooms About 20 mites from ond on Moderate rent- Addreea 46 Oxfool-garden Notting-hllt SMALL HOUSE or CO IT AGE WANTED half-hour town river district preferred large garden and if possible about three acres meadow rent about £30 and option purchase Alac small Dairy Farm about five acre within 10 uines of town rent moderate Also detached House wtth largo garden and stabling rent about £75 St John s-wood or West Haiunstead Applicants waiting Elliott and Co Auctioneer and House Agents Oxford Mansion Oxford -cirrus qM aLL f*ckNIBHED HOUSE WANTED for seven or eight months from end Heptember by two ladies careful tenants near Fmshi rv Park or King s-evum stations Beni must be moderate Fern Lodge Buxton ELL FURN18HFD detached HOUSE WANTED- Fw bed rooms one large bsth indoors wc Large garden gravel soil Wit bin 45 minutes London main line one mile of station and cheerful town Servants aad linen reft About Zi guinea weakly inclusive Two months certain option longer 26 Kex road Watford Large dining and drawing rooms eight bd and bath rooms latest improvement Newly decorated Rent moderate No Bunncy Solicitor 89 Chancery-lore WC I ADYS well FURNISHED HOUSE nine rooms offered Aj Moderate terms one vear Bath piano and garden Naar three 19 Carmait -gardens Putney LARGE SHOP with basem*nt to be LET in il here For particulars apply Chapman 19 VII llers street WC tunnla and croquet Innas Thra minuter Wt ntstim jtoa gulf ill to garden gulf links apd een Billiard' fna-riud Le IO a M-COU KT Slnxtbam -bill ExcopUooxl 8m sU HOUSFJt tk boot rvrr built rlrftntly driigord and flaco ratrd Mstortsl sod wnrktrsnshlp of tbr bghrt elasr Oxa-fit tings aod blinds Bath room Perfect sanitation Beats front £3 Eststs OSes Baroombo-SToous oppuslto Strosthxm bill Railway station LIBtRAL-l NIOMIST CLUB in tbsermre ot Birmingbam tone LET Mutable for botri restaurant billiard ronuig or Insurmne company's oiTcrs Mortorato Apply to TU Sharp Countyi hambrrs 1 wporation street Ilirmingl sm LOW'FSTdFT East Coast groorally end Broads Large (sort Ion of FURNISHED HOUSES Aber-ri and Vacbt to LET Regutor itb map free Tltcouk end Few Lesiertoft TkluTstns Enrrgstlc Loroostoft' AIDA ALE-Dr-Isblr bijou RESIDENCE to LET Jqst rrdre Ttrd througoout sod rodrsiord Four bod rooms nlc dining drssing room kiicboo sod breakfast room nlc gsrdrn Rent £0 ooly-W Hsllett sod Co 162-4 Harrow-rood Paddington MAKlA lK-FURNIMIKD HOUSE (part itf) Nsrryn-rond sen rod Four bed rooms two reception rooms I'srual attendance Terms live guinea ps-r Apply lo Aluxond Murdoch Library Cllftoovlllc OURNEMOUTH-BOARINRE8IDENCE Tkoruagfcyt fortsble Fiv minuter Et Boirnemimk ma Term 36 Iwo occupying im room 55 Furawiee torments from 1 guinea Mia- Fckfotd St lava Droby-reed inoUBN EMbvfH -BOAHDLNS ESTABLISHMENT Oto tn ae pier winter gardens and pine walks Litoral ua Smoke room Home comfort Highy lecnramrode mm 30 per Alfoxtnn Weet-MH-road Well FURNISHED ROOM' boats to quired in pretty twaring part facing phaewe aw I wenw garden Nenr toe atatloo Dining and tod room- Attenemm Jond cooking From PWl BoTTiNKMOUTH IEA8T)-TiHTAfierTratel 1 INO ESTABLISHMENT Finest position to pinna chrae to aex and near pier and gnrden Bournemouth board ani resipescs at sea atation guff links and gardens Brourrtuiwmery-Tennis Term moderate Maitland Lodge Pine naryt Brighton -Portland houses and squat- Mr Thackroy toga to notify to thanks for kind recummeodauons that all re'row? nowon ground ffor Electric lighting through lounge Table h'de aeaen oVio-k Excellent Tariff on application Telegrams Tken7 H1GHGATE Finchley Hampstead Hornsey tee-For particulars ol the best available FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED HOUSES Bui idlnjr Sites tec in tfi above district apply to Prickett Ellis 57 Chancery mne WC 11NCHLEY To be LET capital detached KESI-X: DENCE Nine bed and dressing rooms tnree reception rooms stabling and well-matured ground of two acres Good views to Prickett and Ellis as abova MAY nd ROW DEN' Agents 59 Madilox-ftreet Oiler foe letting all tbe avaiiabJ hbops and Uppr Part in tb t-end KEG KN I -STREET treat eld bt pxl'un) No premium Important SHOP Baefmitawd three oors to oe LE I on years lease to a suhstaniiai firm only-Principals only apply to May an Roer-fin AJaldox -street OXFORD STREET -Rent £250 long 1sm no prmlum or Fin lofty HUOP with large trontag In tb best position to Sole sgeots May and Kowden 39 Maddox street of Islington London Rental value £600 per annum Very long garden In rear Beautifully kept square in front Price £9500 Moft substantially built All let to excellent tenant on aeree-r Address Owner International College Hampstead London To be SOLD (owner going hbraul Sep- IT temper next) seven SHOPS and seven DWELLING j-mncles situated in main thoroughfare All let to old standing nCSjVe rental £230 Price 900 guineas or cose Bole HOrtiU) ud APARTMENTS AROATE-A small HOUSE lo LET FURCTSIIFD iYX minute from sea Fort-grreo aod 0 3 Zton- sc CHflonvill Tt AA-BOARD nnd RESIDENCE bnth (hot and cold) two minutes from New -ernes Mat ion Private sitting room if desired Apply at 17 Jerningham-nwd Ab okKIK xe or two gvntienicti BOA KD an1 KEKIDBNCE In their Urge we) I -f urn i bed house XHHI Yoin AXILLA-GARDENS W-a Tory healthy dry and coo-yenlent HOUSE aiU new drainage Contain fly bod rooms dressing room morning room bath room hot aod cold' oonstaot supply Th reception rooms draaog dining and library are on the entrance floor House is dororated and finished ium 4 excellent serai-deUched RESIDENCE with stab! and iV chaiseliouse Garden back anti front Tennis court Extensive Apply to Mr Hianebv Sattron Walden ACloN-oN EA -Q in ilts North Waltbain GER ACloN-oN SEA 43 miles North waisoam To ba Agent" Palmer Valuer 4 Oueen's-road Brighton Businesses for disposal Brighton-marcoi ht MILLS and CO Auctioneers Grand parade established 70 rears srocirJly recommend Free Public £400 Cigar DlO'C £200 Oyster and Supper Rooms returns £1000 a year UO Boarding and Lodglog Houe facing sea £200 Dairy doing 30 barn gallons daily £400 Many others BUTCHERS nourishing watering place well situated Family BUTCHER'S BUSINESS Satisfactory reasonfor selling Incoming £500 Safe living for purchaser-Full partlcu- ImnT Sanrom Kratton Bridge Portsmouth latm-HFRS BUSINESS genuine Good rson for selling Family trade Address C- Box5448 Postal Department Dariyjelegiaph Jlwustreet Et CABINET and UPHOLSTERER'S BUSINESS Shop dwelling Uhoure and workshop lease 60 yean Ground Ire £6 For 618 Wandsworth-roacl bW SALE-Addrese 618 Sli RF9 for 5 Advertiser I corapstisd to realise all or part" of 70 fu'lv-paid hire in a well known and hlffhlv succesif ul London coinpanv which ha for years paid dividend of 5 per A care of Bates Hsndy and Co 37 Walbrook R(1 SHOUTiNGGentiemaii desire to meet with another to live with him Good shooting fishing and hunting to be had iwllghtfnl country Only thore fond of sport need Ad Ires Shot Box 6411 Postal Department Daily Telegraph Heet- itrert EC gentleman with capital silent PART- NFR to finance burlesque now being placed at theatre Ony don Address Osborn Theatre Royal Edmonton riX) Rare opportunity £750 will pmchas HA1F-1 SHARE In old-established h'gn claes increasing Bl SIN ESS best position nnd on of the handsomett shops In the kingdom Midland city One who understands trade preferred Cash required to pev out sleeping Further particulare address Box ItepartmenT Daily Telegraph Fleet street rrwo THOUSAND FOUNDS WANTED as turther capital in JL established manufacturing City business -Apply by letter lex National Safe Ieposit 1 Queen Vlctoria-treet KC A WIDOW LADY unable to tmd suitable investment for large capital is prepared to ADVANCE privately sum of £25 to £1 CC0 to re-ponsible borrowers on promissory note onlv No uretie and no charge whatever unless advance made Letter only tc Mrs Vincent 27 Aifi rshot road Kilnurn London NW ADVAM'ks LEGACIES Revrrrion Life Incomes The RE VERSION Ft HCliASK and MORTGAGE AGENCY purchase and advance on the above securities at the lowest Applv to A Roberts Manager 13 MNirgate-street London EC Immediate advances pending completion (TASII (privately and Will anv lady or gentleman pay a reasonable interest for an ADVANCE on promissory note alone without fees fuss or loan office formalities and in strict confidence to Winsor Esq 3 I iror WC (A A8H ADVA NCES Respoosib! persons el ther male or ftmrie in town or country who ar willing to pay reasonable interest for a strictly private advance from £10 to £500 without ureti can obtain arne from a private lender by calling or writing to Mr Dubois 5 Prlncss-street Ca vend Dh square t'lASH ADVANCES 120 and upwards to C2000U at greatly re duced rates for long or hort period in town and country on simple note of hand strictly private ami without delay No fees or sureties required Cash also advanced on policies reversions tec from 5 per cent-Before applying elsewhere call at or write for prospectus to 1 Fielding and Co (Limited) established 50 years Private Bankers and Hill Discounter 36 Soutn-ampton-row High Holborn London WC TIFE POLICIES WANTED (large amount preferred) on lives 40 years and upward-The utmost value promptly obtained by Messrs 11 Foster and Craiifield (successors to Marsh Milner and Co) 6 Fnnttry KC I Lee POLICIES AN I kb large amounts preferred) on live 49 vears and The utmost value promptly obtained by Messrs li Foster and Crauheld (sucewsors to Marsh Milner and Co I 6 Poultry EC WARDEN 39 St BlomnsbHry WC is willing to LEND to ladle and gent'emen whie claim to that title m'st be undoubted on promissory note alone any amount up to £5000 also upon reversions tec MONEY LEN I PRIVATELY at a few notice -A Private Gentleman I prepared to make advance from £10 to £2 000 at 5 per cent to male or female on their Promissory Note alone without loan-office formalities or bill ot sale and so long a the interest I paid capital can remain Immediate advances also made upon life policies deeds furniture withit removal) tec Distance no Call or write to the actual lender Cecil Courtenay 11 Stroud-green-road Finsbury Park London MONEY LENT upon noteoi nand without deduction No commission charged £20 repayable 24 monthly Instalments of 18 4d £50 repayable 24 monthly InstaimenUof £2 5 10d £100 repayable 24 monthly Instalment of £4 11s Apply for prospectus to United Kingdom Deposit Bnk 45 Crven-treet Strsnci London-A Willi Manager r-r i Math lrge garden Late 1 inner Liberal tahle Near in wpotlorMF with MR sritl bus 10 mlnuto to City Modoroto mcluslrr term- 16 South-villas Camden-squore NW ocoufiotioi Root £65 or for ul at rory mortoratr prtr 19 iw any tlnir bj applrlng at Maxlla-gardar tv Hotting kill Stall ond dark groon Bavswator oroniboira M1 EKTON A protty drtachrd HOUSE to LET eight mlnuto from Wimbledon Station Too good rooms aix tod room drawing room bath room and umoI CRT Aug-Mept well FURNISHED COTTAGE RESIDENCE near tieach Three bed rooms two sluing Good water Low terms Stamp Mace Brothers North Waltham EXHILL ON SEA -Excellent BUSINESS PREMISES iult: able for rtore Best position la Baxbill no to Lloyd new bank Furnished and Unfurnished Apply to Mr Yen Estate Agent Surveyor tec Foirmount Bexblll-on-Sea and Havelock road Hastings BOURNEMOUTH Particulars Of RESIDENCES to baXET and for SALE at from £30 to £250 Writs for rgltar lo Sturt Son and Tumor 29 Conunarclai-road Bournemouth Established 1862 FURNISHED HOUSE to LET Two reception four bed room batb room bot and coid Well- apartments tn lady's pdxyg charmingly situated In Montpelier din net intee tlon four tod room bnth room Excellent oonkine ea ance For six weeks from Aug 136 guipeaa-Ad'lteri 5S17 Postal Department Daily Telegraph (bklGHTON -Holiday eeaaon Iho JOH tNNanot BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT Grand pnj commended Cheerful comfortable homelike Nrar amusem*nts Moderate terms Saturday to Monday las Wright Proprietrea KIGHTON (No 121 Private I HOUSE Nenr le and lawn Litoral table All home romforte Terms 30 inclusive bperim famlliea and permanency etT BRiuHlON BELllONT EnT opposttu Rovni Pavilion and concert ground U1 and all ainuaement public room Terow JJR1GH TON-BLENHEIM HOUSE BOARDING SSSL UlISHMENT Marlborougo-plac olfiora Good garden Root £70-Apply to Mr Jam Hall 159 Frnohurch-strartEC ORN1NOTON PLACE Rrgonf Pork NW-To to LfTT an RESIDENCE 10 room nd partton Modrrat IIGAR BUSISESS most commanding position In Midland to capital Changed hands once In 40 year- Income for many years500 yearly £300 for fixtures Ac Stock New street Birmingham J-SOFFEE nnd TUNING Unrivalled main road position to Trade £13 weekly Every proof given Well arranged pre-nrises Kent only £60 Valuable long lease Price only £130 Owner having bought public sole cause of sale Thoroughly genuine- Call Jeffrey 50 Bedford-row COMMERCIAL HOTEL and TAVERN commanding house to best position large market town Market dinners Ilaid- somebar tull-sied billiard table 11 other rooms well furnlsbwt LaTgeetabimg Rent £20 Price £320 No ageuts-A 64 Blcester-road Ayiesburt- tnrfSSMAKING High-class BUSINESS for DISPOSAL On or the best positions and connections In Exeter Rent OTly £10 Annual trade £1600 and easily Increased owners health suddenly failed so must eell-Full particuars Isca Western Morning News" Exeter ft IsH MONGERS POU1 TERERS and nthere-Situate leadlpg West -end Thoroughly genuine first-does BU0INFSS sold solely through Ill-health Turnover ex-evds £4 000 annually Premises thorough repair Long lease Low rent Price £300 all at Including horses vans fittings Ae £rel Sole' Agents Hallett aod Co 102 and 104 Harrow rosrt Paddington and BUSINESS flnsst position in nrodwv Ealing llandsoms modern shop and resident- I are turnover HiEh-diM trade Gotd lsvs Four gran-SSS SWIksir om- Crack nsll 20 Broodwav Ealtng A bright cosy small DRAWING ROOM and large BED ROOM well FUM8HKD 22 Langham-eUeet ion minute from Lxngbam Hotel and Quewn a Hull Board RESIDENCE superior' near Wh Haley's Moet comlortaoie me Excelleot table Omyeolent Young society Highly recommended From 23e-20 8t road Bayewater A COMFORTABLE HOME for oa or two gentlemen in English family two minutes from Swiss Cottag Station Terras Write or apply lo B- cara of Farflrtyorth Bran Biatlowers 8wim Cottage Mw IMKOKT A B1E HOME board find residence Argvl Hiuse 13 CoirllleyrardenE Havawatro (near Netting hill and Notling-hi 1-gate stations) Well furnished flood ton to strici riranilnoaa laxtli Square garden Moderate utclusivo terms Keductsm fro ninrrlcd rouple A COMFORTABLE refined HoME offered to lady la return fro 10 weekly and eitanre in light domestic duties- -Ad-drees Chiswick Box 1 226 Postnl Department Dully Telegraph WaMtigbam House Plcadilly C'oMFoHT ABLE and rtieerful HOME with partial board for 21t weekly tncliulrr Full hoard on Suialai Late dinner Bath Conyenlent fro City and Wevendg2 Klog e-road Camden road NW (twumlnnte from NLH) FAMILY HOARDING ESTABLISHMENT forts Hood table Hath (h and e) Reference if required 63 Inucester-plare Portmau-souara A FEW GENTLEMEN RECEIVED Ifl social family Healthy locality ea-y access to City and West end Moath dune BllLird snioking biceri drawing rooms Bath piaDo Let dinner Young society 25 to 35a: two In room guinea ntroro Retina Park gardens Hampstead NW A GENTLEMAN ogers comfortable HOME te risltori to Lam-don In his handeomely appolntnd boose In Kenslngteq Few yards from Gardena Moderate lerms Every comfort aod fr Addraea Archibald Wiillog'e 152 Piccadilly A LADY offera BOARD and RESIDENCE In her comfortable wall appointed house Billiards Litoral tabl Mmserrsnt and every borne comfort Term Gwoodolen House I War were road 'three mluutes from Farl' court Station- A LADY offers comfortable HOME st Bakam to Uty gentlw man Cfcoerful society Close to tram and station stocked vegetable and flower garden flube and coachhouse Near and gardens it ftftcott Summerneid Princess-road Bournemouth Bournemouth and boscombk and neiV forest FURNISHED HOUSES to be LKT for the holidays in all tha best positions Rents from two guineas Descriptive list sent free on application Printed list of good apart nient tree-Kbrali and Courtenay Bournemouth Handsome 7 FURNISHED City prt-X3 vate seaside RESIDENCE to he LET Three reception bath and etgbt bed rooms Few doors from sea Terms very Fairbrotber and Co 26 road Brlgnton BRIGHTON Central and close to as Smell private HOUSE XJ to be LET FURNISHED Rent 4 guinea less long let Electric light througheut -Apply to Crouch Btrevens and Ce Western road Brighten (17950) BRIGHTON 8HOF FA KtOUK sod BAXkMRNT King road brst pert Facing thr BoltsMr for sny honor prilly fancy goods hairdresser's 8c Rrm low Long lar Ysluab bxtul and fittings snout £15 lnimsuists pose Ion Unusual Clisr florkof Eststs and justness Agsni Cfc Quosn road Brlghtom BRIXTON 10310 To bo LET fint-ciss sroil detached private RESIDENCE of 12 room Good rroept too tod and bitb roonir Garden ifl long Hont only £65 Also other houses at niodrrate Apply to Andrew and ltanson 1 Brixton road SW close tn pavilion ar theatre and all am O' rocoption biiliartL and smoking room Fitted batn cedent table Term Proprietress Brighton -alban Y'HdubE ti class comfortaMa boarding ho-ae room Moderate term Proprtatroca jj HIGH be Albtoiiflouto 2 Cbartotirttiyer BOARDING HOUSE taeo door from era near nil 25c weekly 5e da lv Mra Hl imn nwgTT RIGHTON-WEEEOONA BOARDING I 9 Marlborough place On to am and STANSTEAD FOUS-DOAPtOTto UlISHMENT Sea front Mod health room and arje balcony overlooking ma Clean fort rod 'able 'moke and rooms Moder terms Saturday till Monday 15s 5S Mann Brighton -albion HOUeE us King ajmd Bedford and MCtropol Hotel- Ftne-t pcartlon Ererv eomfort Excellent cu'ilto and kigbeat Brighton -SaTILLE H-VUBE Orand-ptrad Parlltoo garden Refurol-hed and tedre wared Excelleot table and cooking from its par weak inrteatroj-day until Monday 15 The house lor eomfort -Aifirt fmbna -r BKIGHTON-OLENAL AD aLE Brun-wlck pttro- genuinely superior HOME rapists with rv Newly furnished and scrupulonaly clean Near an root -Apply to J- and Kemp aad Co 27 Albany-street NW iVtkAK CRY PA To te Lk I at ex eedingly Kw rental excellent tend detached RESIDENCE 12 minutes from Crystal Palace fetation and Norwood Junction and five minute from Anerley fetation cootaining six bed end dressing and three reception rooms hath (with and supply) sitting room and commodioua offices Go-id gaMena bock and front Rent only £40 per annum Undergoing thorough repair throughout-Apply for card to view Hatgb 10 Coleman-street EC or to Watford and Wilabln EsUte Agents Anerley fetation feW TCTEWqVaY North FURNISHED be IN LET Three sitting lx bed rooms hath room (b and e) Beautiful sea Thornton Roche Com all NO 517 REGENT 8TBEET close to Longham Hotel floor and casem*nt to be LET (two rooms on each floor In parts as OFFICES or aa a hole Very moderate Inclusive Apply on Premises OFFICES to be LET close to Oxford-circus Good entrance and us of show cases Two room first floor Moderate rent-Apply at 238 Tottenham court road OFFICES- A suite of thre commodioua offices (two front and one hack) well lighted and with good lavatory accommodation to be LET together or Apply to Houseki 2 and 4 Old Queen- treet Weetminter OFFICES hlrand (341) to to LET Second door I wo communicating root £40 also on room first rent £30 OFFICES and CHaMBERs Wrrtmtnrtronenr Honors of Par-liamont To to LET rulter and single rooms it very moderate rent Kfry convenience Including hark reeUuraot Ae also soma Urge outbuilding! euiuble for ware rooms store- bourne Ac-Apply to Secretory 28 Victoria- traro SW LD FASHIONED FARMHOUSE! near tha Rlxar Thamao I tbrva quarter of so boor from London 150 yards from tb railway nation Windsor hoe Eight tod rooms two largo alltag room entrance hall good officoe atabllng for two florae roeefl-bouse haxnee room This bouse out of the highest good Charming garden with orchard end paddock Kent £90 yon on ioato -W Iiano Estate Offices Windsor or Mr i Taylor Tb Hollies Wraysbury Staines PRETTIEST little HALF-ACHE PLACE In Burks to to LET on lease 16 mile GWR Kent only £40 Eight rooms kitchen Ac stable euartihonro vinery garden I A Wari-worth I-anglev Slougnor27 Hnrtev-etrrot PUTNEY Command ing PREMlflFB 3ft by 105ft Sul tibia ooachbullders pianoforte or bullresses requiring large lofty Boors 3 and 5 Choivorton road adjoining High strrot £160 on Isaaa Freehold obtainable RAMSGATE -Hreuuliu eijou HEolIirxjE lacing sea oeat pun of Went cut to to LET or I trantf arrod Stabling for four ho 1 ms -Apply to Meaara Tudoi Barber FOR SALE- JOBM ASTER and LIVERY STABLE BUSINESS £800 all Nye De Vare-raows Kensing ton WritiTERER 8 and main road Good rm trade could he eastlv Increased Convenient prwrrjse allowed of Flood and Edward rate lacluaive Addre 0-5 Hampden rood Balham BruMFION ROAD on th bitty Mdittotote! of to To to LET oxcollrlt BU8INE88 FRE-MI8EB conalating of largo ahop wtth room at bark handaoiD room first floor and kitrhrn acullory and two good room lx basem*nt Ellto 176 Bromptoo road 8W BBONDE8BURT ROAD Kllboro -Improrod modem itoM DWELLING HOUSES no baarmaoui to to LKT or SOLA out £31 £4 aad upwards Price from £425 -Apply to Barnett 89 Brocdrsbury rood HUNSWICK-QC'AKE-Le without pr-mlum-ll-nntod HOUSE to be LET newly decomtrd Bath pawn (hot end Bronrltom LxTii WPh trrrt KC -SSTphe: -SHOP opportunity and reeprct-ibl" tenant and producing £322 per annum which could be coosldorably incroatod At prevnt peylnf over 10 per cent Price to an immediate purchaser Apply to Mr VV Price 5 Loftue-rood Shepherd s-bush 'Ll Two FREFHOLD RE8IDENCE8 each six jl bed and dressing rooms batb room and three reception rooms Let at £55 and £50 For RALE Part could Meara Debenham Tewson aod Co 00 Cheapside (1308) IOHBABNET-Ralubrloua charming choice little VILLAS Lease 85 year at £3 10a Price £175 or £515 tut three Let monthly £19 a year Tenaot pay all rxtea Box 529 care ot Watson's 160 Fieot -street City HIGHBUBY-PLACE Gallia road (No 7)-A five roomed HOUSE to be 50LD Only two minutes' walk from Highbury Station Can ba clewed-Apply on premise or full particulars ot Bayils 199 Albion road Stoke Newington CASTLE ROLCIO beautifully altuated on Lake Magglore one hour from and rear Arena Stresa and Palladia The caatle contains 40 rooms billiard room conservatory stables and boathouse larco gardens park rich pasture land vineyards and fruit gardens Good water Campbell Martin and Boswell 8 Edinburgh tFYTON £150 will be accepted for 8HOP and HOUSE Let at £22 Lea 70 years at Apply to Trustee Beacons- field Thurioetone-road IVest Norwood A Sacrihco to close Ktte13 well-built 7l commodious family RESIDENCES Ground rents under 10a each Let to good tenants on agreement! and producing £M4 per annum Lease nearly 60 years Price under TV Rallett and Co 102 and 104 Harrow-road Warwick ruad Pad- dington NE THOUSAND POUNDS a YEAR for 95 years derived from well b'dlt and let property In London Price £1250 for quick sale Only those actually with the money need apply Can bo jdletded-Hcwarth 245 Pentoovlllo-road London bound 10 HOUSES producing £255 10s leas about 53 year ground rent £50 Shop let at 12 per week lease about 70 year ground rent £5 price £210 Apply to Mr TraSord 64 Milend-road ECKHAM Four choice semidetached HOUSER each with seren rooms Producing £118 per annum landlord paying ratoe Never empty Leases about 80 year at £5 10s each Price £875 Could bo divided Free A Russ Esq Solicitor 02 King William-street EC XjkAuRESOUE old COTTAGE near Pinner for SALE Two MT sitting rooms tour bed rooms bath and dressing rooms kitchen Ac Stabling outbuildings and very pretty gardens a meadow with two tennis courts all about ix acre' For price of FREEHOLD and further particular! apply to Gardener Easteote Cottage Pinner PRETTY little FREEHOLD near Hastings Price only £250(5 House built of red brick and splendidly fitted and tending et least 300ft above sea leval Large hall two reception rooms seven bed bath room and good offices Very nice garden and an excellent tennis lawn Full particular! of Mead Walton end Lee S3 Mount-street Grosvenor square London (9215) PUTNEY 8W commodious HOUSES letting at £30 per annum Just built and ready for occupation Price £400 each Roberts J0 Lincoln Inn fields R- AVLEIGH direct Southend line)- FREFHOLD LAND In large plot for building and gardening Splendid eltuatlon near station and High street Immediate possession Eay payment No law costs For SALE by auction July 30-Partlcu Hr and tickets ot Protheroe and Multi Estate Officoe 67 Cheap-side EC RE Unrestricted 8'tt by order of the MnrtaKe- To bo SOLD bv private reatv U) the valuable nd extensive property known as the PONTNEWYNYDD IRON WORKS altuate near Pontvpoot Mon together with the fixed plant and machtnerv mine ehedsand enclosures roll tuesilog hop fitting hop shop (area covered about 62900ft) offices house foreman' houe and twocottajte within the works the whole rnropmin 10 acre or thereabout (b) clrht cot called New-row and land eligible for building adjoining thereto: (c) a building rite situate at Nightingale having a ontege of 06ft and man depth of 80ft d) a building rite having an unoccupied frontage of 277ft to Merchant hill with cot tege tenements and a messuage formerly an Inn but now a draper shop) the whole containing la 3r 35p or thereabouts ithte will be 11 subject to a lexeo thereof which will expire at 1 id summer 1896 at a rent of £20 per annum) (e) double block of 10 rot tag railed White Hall with a gross rental of 27 per week Th whole are copvhold of the Manor of Weutriand and Bryng-wvn and are subject to small chief rent and heriots on death Th heriot consist of the bet beast failing thi best imppmnt and in default of an implement of the value of 5s the aumofS- A schedule of the fixed plant and machinery can Insp -cteil at the office of and further Information may be obtained troni the Solicitor Messrs trlckJarul Robert and Tratnian 2 AH Bristol or Messrs Broad and Francis Albion- chambers Bristol CJ ACRTFICED at Half it Value by order of Com- pset doube-fronted detached VILLA on two floors 8pn-dd repsir ready for Immediate occupation Three reception rooms (14ft bv 12ft four bed one dressing room bath and c) two kitchens Garden 12 minutes Strawberry hill Sts-Tton Gravel soil Latest sanitary Improvements Frontage Price £250 Lease 62 years Ground rent £7 8L Aubya BelmoDt-road Twickenham (key opposite) Bath Bonireet--'Bijou detached RK8I-DENCE high and extremriy healthily iltiated containing drawing and ante dining morning smoking ani full-siA-d bil-hard iwm all beautifully decorated ecven bed and dressing rooms large store wm kitchen and most convenient office on Lro nii fioer Urei kff euaronteed Stoiullng In lurerly three a-aiee of beautifully etockea and laid out ofnameBtol grotitiq with llxrronhwree and fernertea rtahUnff lodjte tool hou oheda Ac In perfect order Mint be earn to be appreclatM Prii £4 500 Sent £220 FREEHOLD subject to fee farm rent of £8 13e on a port on of the lends Good sport In neighbourhood Apply to Gent Wood 5 CUrc-treet Bristol L-EPaRaTF saLE and LET LISTS are laauod monthly ny S5 Meaara STIMSON and SONS Auctloneero and Eaute Agente 1 Moorgatwatreet EC and 2 New Kent-road 8E Thou rend of Froperttee foe Sale and hundred of Tlece to bo Let State which flat le wanted and tend Id eiamnfnr noetaev WHOP at Cronebod rpldly-rilng neighhourkood Let leoae at £80 Moderate ground rent Tenant doing ell re-palre Wed estahllehed trade £840 A bargain 7J per Addreev Crouch Bex 623 PoitaJ Dvpattmoot Dotty Telegraph Fleotwtreet 10 A LADY of position wisbee to very highly RECOMMEND charming HOUSE where the resided for some time a pey log gueet Th house 1 doe to Kensington Garden and omnibus Newly furnished and only young eociety Oueet WBItag0 102 FiccadUly daughter offer HOARD ad RESIDENCE fr-ni 25 to £2 2 per week Frivol apartmt from £2 12 Central for all Munro Houee 13 Upper Bed ford pi ace Rureell qr WC Stab- iTncr rr three horse Sound reasons for selling Trial "5g iroto Rent £70 Prlc £165 -Spoon 27 Soulbauiptoo- strrrt Covent garden WC HIOH-CLA88 LEATHER GOODS DreMlog Bags and Heraldic Stationery one of the finest poad ion In London Evtabllvbed over 100 year Will bn SOLD for tbr valu of Ineen flock and fixture about £4500 of which part can rnmxln lf m1irMi gnnulnn bualnr of the very hlgheat ri2s Apply in fiTlLtancr by Irttrr only to 8 18 lark-road Richmond Surrey HOSIER'S OUTFITTER'S ftc-For DI8POSAL the od established and well known BUSINESS of Messrs Russell end Starr of Junction-street Hull This business has been In the same family'! hands bout 50 years and Is situated In one of the portions of this excellent town of business Kent £13' and fixtures can be had at valuation Premium Ingoing £20 This present on exceptional opportunity to a man aocue-tmnod to tb trade for acquiring a bustnres which has with modern management a splendid future before It Ctpiltl re quired sbont £3000-Particular stump BrocroM Son nnd Nicholson 12 Wood-street London EC nd York buildings Mosloy streot Manchester HOSIERY end SHIRTS -For SALE through lllnees Iraprov-tne BUSINESS Rlverelde reeort near 1-ondon tioodclars rub trade Ab( ut £400 roqulre-1 -Address Box 4707 Postfll nerartment Daily Telegraph Et near Notttng-hiil-gate YOUNG LADY with private Very exceptional 18EH 10 room in best position in CMrfflff toff LET or remainder of Lease four yor from deairoue of obtaining footing in very best position Ingram High-street Cardiff i 1 A genteel nlne-rootred HOUSE lust beem pot Is good ordar to be LET rent 2t wodd So a Apply ou premises 1 Brighton terrace Rutlaad Park Catford or Oaoer Ben a ista Norwood A thre lentlnwi) Private ltlli Lrc gardens Hvme ItevW Llhcmrv Ladbroke-r Apartments upeiibri wt-nd sitting Wm and room £1 5 8inl iwd ri wi 12 91 aad 92 Jrmya-ftrwt Piccadilly Clom of Mk Welliifton qar Sloaooqaare reduced pnc room £1 diaii Apartments Drawi oc Bath room -5 VfONEl LENT privately £6 to £1000 to aii classes ot bort JlvX rowereoiislniplenoteofhandse modenit interest oed without delay -Call or write in confidence to Lawrence and Co 28 Glasshouse-street Piccadilly-clrcus London MONEY LENT by a private capitalist ou life policies mort- gages deposit of deeds Ac Interest from 4 per cent Also on note ot nand furniture (without removal) Write or call before noon Murray 117 Lavendr-weep SW MON From £60 WlU be LEN 1 by private gentleman to partiee not wishing to oeal or bavine dealt witb professional lender upon very easy terms No delay or sureties requited- Letter to Mr Bryan ViCtoria-street Belgravia bJr Walker private gentleman who has a large amount or capital uninvested will be pleased to I END from £10 upwards to all classes of borrowers on personal security without any formalities or fee Frornpt attention-Note address Newgate-street EC Kttabilehed 1870 TYl ON A pr i vate lender will ADVANCE irom £i0 to £600 lYX to householders and other (in town or country) on their own security at one notice Existing loans paid off Interest from 5 per cent Apply (personally preferred) or write to Mr Hart Oxford House HiliVpiac Oxtord-clrcua MON No fees No tee On'eimpie not of hand no bills of sale or securities required £19 to £5900 ADVANCED by Mr King of 63 Queen Victoria-street City Public coution-M King for tear has advised borrower not to pay fee genuine money lender do not require fees but agents live on thee unfair extractions irom those who are foolish enough to encourage them Avoid bills of tale which are publicly advertUed ruining your credit and the whole of your furniture may be swept away at any moment Money on reversions at 4 percent per annum MORTGAGES aad PURCH ASE of 8HOP8 House sad Ground Rents (FREEHOLD and LEASEHOLD -Messrs MAY and BOVS DEN have several important funds available for Investment in genuine properties -Solicitors and principals a re Invted to communicate with them at 39 Maddoi-nreet Regent-street MORTGAGES and GROUND KEN lh-Laree SUMS ready to be ADVANCED on approved freehold and leasehold securities or applied In purchase of goKl freehold grouud rents Caparn 4 Feathcrstoiie-buildings Holborn MORTGGE SECURITIES WANTED for the investment c7 trust fund freeholds or long leaseholds Interest 3 aad 4 per Particulars to he sent to Messrs Bean Burnett and Eidrldge 14 NicholhS-lane EC 11 EVERSION ERR Life Tenants Legatees and persons entitled XV to funds in Court can obtain ADVANCES of from £50 to £10 000 Interest from 4 per cent ptr annum No preliminary fee Immediate advance pending completion -Grant and Co 3 Chancery-lane London Bankers Bangor England ANNUITANTS Life Tenants Legatees and Rever-X i oners-Pure bases or mortgage promptly effected on above by gentleman having control of largj funds apfcialiy for investments on above eecuritle In approved be made without ret are nee to trustee and interest allowed to accumulate until the property foils Into pMaeaeion voiding loss on sale or foreclosure oy mortgagee By consulting advertiser applicants will avoid tb usurious charge of moneylenders and the delays of Insurance Advance pending No preliminary fees or cnmrges unlea matter is computed -Apply to Durand 43 New Oxlord-street Wa HARMING gnntlamafl'1 detactod cotolry RESIDENCE grounds of so aero to to LET Two miles from msla lino iallon ofl South Waitern llo thieo-quartor of an hour to Waterloo Good dining and drawing room riidywn tod rooms two kitchen good tabling conch kitcnan and flower garden laarn large number of oppl pear plum apricot traoa Nominal root £46 Fruit ln rally worth half rent Tb modern nearly new furniture mast to purehamd ve-ue £-50 most exceptional opportunity through car of Meaers Deacon's 154 Iadsnkxii atrsot TOiniNAMTW7 HaflU'ngE-FUMNMHXD HOUg A Surrey thESs Unequalled table hot Cosy amoklnc room Term- RIGHTON-ST" EDMUND'S BOARDING TA gm MENT 12 Ksrancy aq rnrtvaried poaitloe Bmok and hath room tnperinr table Mri-e-s PRlNClb HOT El en neoaion elegant family and residential hotel in Bnuhroo puslrion on toe sen front faring lawns Mugninceetv- suites Most liberal and delicate table hoe at wnea T'? perfection wit bnth Fnemngnr lift -Apply rate tariff Brighton Highim hoard-residence Houee tl Grand-parade Cross to era Comfort ah I cheerful homelike Litoral table Sanitation perfect Inclusive 25 1th 25 RIGHTON-BOARD and BESIDESuTCcW to West Pier Law dinmr Term from IS bat toi 47 Bruncartck rood MtFuT HIGH TON laxly renldlog In WTO HO( LET greater PART FURNISHED tenflowre good 44 private family good po'ftice buchelora to flu them Nice bou rietf Neer station Privet room If required Tm Address F- Box 55fl Postal Department- graph Floet ttreat E-C '0 CSaMBRIDGE BOARD RESrort CE- Ytoancy two lad en and genttemera Oeerlooklrf tru" Collng Near rirto and kf Baka Goodbetoto Piano Let dinner -Kecmare Heme 32 J' CHAM BKRS RESIDENTIAL! for LET In Marlfywtiugh mansions to rum Lam tariff BM tendanoe and etc tilshod Gores treat te A few sett two Cetert dose to Fleetetrant Tempi afd ettnndano Cub In toilHinellftfibatha ardaH tc Apply Secretary Tnmplnchambera Tetri ptoa-eu CHAMBERS (gentlemen al to be LET nyerlooklng garden and Apply tore 19 liner recti'hirlng-crore rU i AH AMBERS Purnltbad Unfornl-tod I Md LET at ext low rental Dus' Ibb Strand -C hall aad every conrentocn-Apply to tb Potto Meaara Eilairt 46 Ch-ncwy Jhe WC iHaKMINg NFIGIlBoCRHOtILuer c- I RECEIVED fh'icouniry lr- Jr0f25a done orchard Tricvel Liberal table 19 GLto me stamp May Kimpton Sherbofn 5 AOLVILLE ESTATE MAN8JON8-Suprito F7mTpMfrtKJ-5Jl IN- L) for the mroith of August Large houe Homeednle-wardens Fright ted rooos four rereption room lorf P' ticular applv to Mer Dirkeeon aod Stewart 4 Queen Victoria- tret Loodor FC Well FURNISHED VILLA RRaSIDENCK to (j LKT at once £2 2 per week any terra Five bed two Bitting roorna bath Ac-Apply Leader Auctioneer 102 High-road Chtowtck Bntalxe-roflti lemdon NW nr Meexrs Harper 31 Enury-aueet Wor MrVmtrn Eftatc Agant Hign-atreet Kemigate 1 AM8tATK-Tn to LET a tarrac of HOUSES ckrM tn two It railway station and th harhuur Each contflina li eed room hath room levtti ry kc I'mr recepilnn ronmi and ufflc-r Baantlfui end lawn tennii ground with mendow laid extending the tea cliff The property commands magnificent view of th sen end rurrounding picturesque country Rente Irom £f5 par annum -Foe funner particulars apply tn Mrs Baker nnd Bins '1 (Jueeo Victoria strrot Lend an EGENT 8TREET iclnae to Oxford-circoa) -Small HOUSE XV and SHOP to to LET Ctoapsst prvm ses in ika neighbourhood Long lane will to graded-Full particulars on application to Malhuisb Harden and Co Central Estate Agency 2 £9 Rngeot-atmet London I) kOUIKEU to EXCHANGE email VILLA at Atoryatwlth fro XV or in London for month of August for holiday -Gnu White Llnnbedent-rond Atorystwith RY0KLW-4 MONTHLY REGISTER of FCRNIS0ED enf UNFURNISHED HOUSES ard PROPERTIES JorSAL free on eppllcatlou Register of AparimntJ kepL-E Herrin nad one House ud EsUU Agents 7 Union street Kjde IW LJKA8IDE-FUBNI8HED HOUSE idetnchedl to to IET fo month ur five srvsks Three reception lg bed rooA oath ih aad el Within two minutes of ana ud station 2 guinea pr The Llmei HIgh-atreet Rams ale UUiir High-etrset Camden Town to to LKT leroe prom set eight (IweUing room with workshop In roar Soil any business requiring good frontage to main thoroughfan Clean to bus ud Wade and WlUe Agents Hlgh-t Camden Town WHOPS occupying ootnmandtng pc alt Iona ta tom tnorougfifaran In Twickenham and loading too suitable for general tioree fruiterer upholsterer Ironmonger win merchant he -Apply personally ataisip Fnrge Auctioneer Twlcbenham Tcffdi nflon St tkn- WHOPS" to wTtT cult chemist grocer watchmaker a 13 tobarrouUL lroprovnir nefhborhood main road Low yfeMperintendent lifioria Houre feouih Lambelh-roa1 8W HOPS Wallhimstnw to to LET High 'tront Knar St Junee'e-ttroet Station £40 per annum rltlng tn Largn Iflcroaring nelghbou-hood -Apply to Warqac butt OMoa 5 Proton araeo Walthamatow SPACIOUb SHOP nod BAbEMEST Jurt Ssrond Into LKT Rent aeoderot -Apply Clark I ireeter plnre Strand TK to be in smalt market town about an hour Irom lAMidon Incoming about £1200 Including hnrsas carriages Ae-Full particular of WB Willing' Adyertiiing office 162 Piccadilly Iondoa IRONMONGERY BL'SINESSfor SALE In West end euhurh Good connection Purchase £1100 Return over £2000 Owner retiring--Addre A Box 5503 Postal Department Daily Telegraph Fleet-street EC LAUNDRY STEAM) £f50 BP Fourhp holler engine to rotary wnehers hydro Ironing wrfngtng machine all appliance van tec £5 week profits Rent £35- Arthur Tewson Laundry Office 30 Holborn July Laundry Register free IAUNDRY BUSINESS Family connection Return o-r £C0 last week Hore van cvrt and pnnl in good con dJtlon Same hard over 50 year Latter Laundry 411 Battersea Park-rnat 8 FREEHOLD to be SOLD Prlc £lSda Profit about £350 yearly 23 per cent No rent or risk 8cop for lncreaee Free triol-A A care of Myhlll Corn Chandler 48 Grov-road Upper Holloway LAUNDRY tOw to be BOLD built all on on floor! coivenlence large drying ground detached six-roomed house ready for For key to view apply at 59 Caxtor-rrrd South WkMhp LAUNDRY for SALE Uid-eftahit9hd hlgh-clats family trade Very eultable for nv one wishing to enlarge their connection Van cart stock fixture tec Included Annual return £550 Genuine bualneee Will take £150 If bought at For particular write 65 Aveniie roodActon IODGING HOUSE In one of the btwt letting' positions West i Cllfi 15 rooms Rent £80 premium Sc6n Just Applv to brail and Courtenay Boinrwemouth CITY of OFFICES ta he LET slofl or io litre at rente from £15 to £150 -Apply to Alfred Ebbe 8 South-nptoD sweat Bloomsbury APAKTM Drawinp rooms with one in bod room tofetfeer or wparat Hath (b and I all parts-88 Talbot-read Havswater APARTMENTS te'ipetior) Drawing room and gbud bed ronfwL Hath fh and Good attend no No eolldran Terms fiB fet- Oerf'-avetme Tufnell Pork APARTMENTS Drawn room and food bed room Bath (h and ey Tennia Term moderate for July and Auftet Mantervant -104 Phi Ibte rh A PaKTMENTs (superior) Iknswina route and dinkaa room A floors lied room with breakfasts for fenttemcn Kxrvl-lei attendant Bath (h and 45 Gover-street WjC A PA KfMENI 8 HirhburY 'superiorly situated fartnf tennis lawn Larf bed rooms dining drswlnid room Suit gentleman or friends Young uciety Moderate-44 High- burr gove 1 14 ENTS -Large front drawiof room superior FURNISHED bed tlttlnf room a Ac 12 weakly Strictly inclusive Also on 8 Seven minute from Gower-tmt 8 Albert-street Momlngton-crecotHamptead-road NW APARTMKnXs writ FUtNlbriKII lHnii and tfnwlug roots oed-ritt ing room and tingle bet room Hath (hot a' Hoard if 23 Gowr-treet Bedford-quare endi APARTHENTC-EHguriy FURNISHED drawing room bod room 32 Klrkmani piano both Rnfarsacw ClwailD Cuoging Only vast seeing Eufton NW APARTMENTS mpennr FURNISHED Board Large or small tod roomy Us at sitting room to wtth aeparat drawing room Bath (h and c-t Largs aardan Trrtr modtoxD and train to 11 part -127 Adwalda ruad Himpstand APARTMENTS mpenor -Handromely FURNISHED dmlng room drawing room and hod rooms 'ogciber ur separata Newly decora tad Knar Langham Hotel -Ii Baaumoutytrert p-irLaod pine rhama-Privto7AFAH7-A MKNT8 largn lawn racing th neer Splendid noonaev Tennia and flahtng A'l that could to deaired lor cmetory hto Inelunlv Urma 36 gnlnnto weekly Hutto In WHY Wait tor riEATHof REXaTIOATS or FRlENDail you orrotitilled to mony tinder will or rttlnnt when you LA PHAM-COMMON-Rent £55 eemi -detached Si bed three large sitting room hath (h and c) no lUMget-U Sletere-avenue Lavender-bill 8W eight minute from Clapbam Junction Newly deoorateA Key No li CLAPHAM PARK 'The Knoll Kinf vrood'-To LET or SOLD this conveniently wreeged and Dlot Mttmted RESIDENCE Accommodation: Dining and drew inf room breakfast room tit bed room bath room and toneerva-tory kitchen cuitry Ac garden hck and front Ready for immediate occupation tent Price and particular of Arthur Peaco*ck 57 Rotry-rod Clapham Park 0 CLERKEN WELL-ROAD -Extensive light FIOOR to be LKT suitable for office end factory Nomina! iwt £60 on quarterly Sydney Let Auctioneer 9 Fumiral-etreet IIol-borw EC CLUB INSTITUTION or COLLEGE PREMISES te he LET at Rk-h-nonfl oo Tharon ro LE ASF tn be SOLD rory moderate rent Handrom detached building of nneriy 50 room wtth or without grand Publle Hall ranting 4ft Otgmu Licensed for muale In perfec repair Fmehnld finuld to bought Addrsa Sacra ter IxteruUeuel Cnilaga ginfrtw Lawdro Vf EsnftS ELtlOTT and c6T7 Aoritonarot HdtitojKoUtr Mti Jl Bualnrsa Agrnto bar 1 grnuino BUSINESSES for mu aril or borrow iittn your intrrrat to-day from Cotton ond Co 183 AMerygate-atroet EC 1 ONE WANTED tori (lay bv manufarturrr Will JYJL nay 33 pro cent "itrorot for the accon riatlon and nlarr In londvr hooila aecuilty xalur Addrra A Box 0478 Foatal Department llatty Teteprapli Fltottotrrrt EC ORTGa6e 1250 WASTED at 4 pro root ob frarhold shop prqpertv In main thnrougilfair naar City Lrt oa ropalring agrrrmni at £12 nri yearly No jrallminwr aurv fra Addra Frarholdrr Box 6566 Poatai Doprrtmoflt Dally Talagraph Flrrt-rtroat KC BALE London find Country Court Droaamakrr'a off Oxford-elrrii higlpolaa lubl connoriioo and laror trod ownrr retiring prolila £1500 pro nn Tobaccontot'a Plccadillv-eireua doing £7 wrrkly which non to tncroaarot good bop mMrrato rrnt Srrral good Lodging Houira in Wrttonff other grnuino buttnrtart ot Oxford Mxnalon Oxfordlrcua.

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Author: Duncan Muller

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Author information

Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.